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"Yup but that's basically it" you say with a runny nose causing your voice to sound weird. You and Camila decided to ditch school today, Dua is right you really have no idea what you did yesterday. Taylor texted you a huge paragraph and you honestly can't even look at her name without almost crying. Harry hasn't reached out and even though you don't expect him to you wish he did. Your poor boy he didn't deserve to be that disappointed.

"that's a lot" Camila breathes out with her eyes widened

You still find it hard to believe that you were able to tell a total stranger about this before you could tell your actual friends. You won't blame them if they're upset. You're not sure if your family already knows and it made your anxiety rise up whenever you began to wonder.

"Yep and I still love her can you believe that?" You laugh and break down at the same time.

Camila felt bad for y/n, so bad that she grew some sort of hatred for Dua and she doesn't even know her. But how can someone put another person through so much? It doesn't make sense. However the way y/n explained things it seems to be that maybe Dua feels the same way but she prefers misery over love. It's a sick world they live in truly.

"It's okay to still love her y/n, I think I would too but don't you think she might feel the same as well?" Camila suggests

You're positive Dua feels the same way but then you're not? The more she disappoints you the more doubt that comes into your mind. It doesn't matter though how does it? Because if she feels the same she will never truly come out and say it. You need to get over her as fast as you can or this will just go on forever.

"I'd like to think so but the more she does these things the more I don't believe it, I think I'd just like to move on with my life now" you sigh and wipe what feels like the very last tears off your cheeks.

"Well as scary as it sounds your biggest secret is out but hey it's out no more hiding it you'll feel relieved about it later" Camila says trying to cheer you

It sure sounds like it should be a good thing but you can't even imagine what you'll have to face later. Facing all of this and Dua will be nice and tidy in her big home with no worries at all sort of angers you.

"It's unfortunate that all of this that she denies and says was never love is the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced" you mutter

"It's her loss y/n the good thing is that you no longer need to see her after this year, time goes by fast and I'll be here for you along the way, helping you through this" Camila gives you a pity smile

You hug her. Her shoulder soaked with all the tears from earlier. Oh Camila Morrone, maybe if she would've arrived sooner then she might've been the one you would've fallen for. She's so pretty but she can't make your heart beat the same way Dua does. People are going to assume you two are dating after that kiss though. She might get picked on as well but unlike you she'll definitely defend herself or simply not care at all.


"Tell me it isn't true, it's the new girl right? She forced you to right?" Harry says facing away from you, by his voice cracking you can tell you broke his heart. Would it be that easy for him to believe if you said she did forced you? You know deep down he knows she didn't though.

"Harry I" you say but immediately get cut off

"I love you y/n so much and I thought you felt the same but here you are sneaking around with a girl!" Harry exclaims as he finally turns to face you, he looks like a beautiful mess, any girl would be lucky to have him.

"I tried Harry I tried to love you but I can't help what I truly feel" you cry out seeing his eyes starting to water up. How much more can you fail at life? Your life with Harry would've been picture perfect.

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