Chapter 2

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I have heard so many stories about sightings on Bigfoot, but I never believed them just like I didn't believe in aliens. Even when I took a double take on the thing standing right in front of Julian and me to make sure it wasn't a bear, but to see it was Bigfoot so many people have claimed to see. I'm sure it's him. Why else was there a tall hairy human like animal standing there? No one can get that hairy, not unless it's some kind of hoax someone is pulling on us. It's not the first time someone has pulled a hoax about him.

I stand there with my mouth open wide. I should be running, but instead I'm frozen here with shock. He stares at us, growling. He seems angry, like we had disturbed him from his sleep. Julian and I weren't being that noisy, were we? I had to hold my breath so I didn't have to breathe in the dreadful odour that was coming off this creature (or is it human? I'm not sure what it is). His teeth were yellow and were abnormal unlike ours. They were huge, not like any other kind of animal's teeth I have seen before. Maybe it wasn't animal teeth that he has. Maybe it was human teeth. His eyes were so dark that I wasn't sure if they were black or brown. He narrows them at us.

It took a while for Julian and me to let out a scream. The scream made him angrier. I drop my torch and just ran. Julian ran in the opposite direction to me. I couldn't see where I was going and ended up crashing into a tree. The bark scrapes against my cheek and I let out a yelp as I felt a bit of pain, but it wasn't intense.

Behind me I could hear Bigfoot roaring with anger, stomping his feet like he was throwing a tantrum after not getting what he wanted. Wood smashes, follow by glass breaking. I think he might have destroyed a picnic table, using it to smash the lantern. It's pitch black again. I could see the light coming from the flashlight lying on the ground, but it wasn't enough to see anything with it.

"David?" I hear Julian call me. His voice came from my right.


"Where are you?" I see a light shining from his phone in my direction just across from me.

I suddenly remember my own phone and pull it out, tapping the flashlight app. I then shone it in Julian's direction. I hear his footsteps heading my way, getting closer. Soon he was standing beside me.

"Are you alright?" he asks me.

I nod. "Yeah."

He shines the light in my face. "David, you're bleeding."

I touch the cheek that I scraped against the bark previously. I wipe the blood and then shine the light on my palm to see red blood stains. I look up at Julian. I can't see his face well from the light that I have, but I know he is concern whether or not I'm hurt bad. I tell him I was fine, and I had crashed into the tree earlier. He just nods.

Bigfoot goes quiet. We stand there for a moment hoping he had disappeared. I shone my light around the picnic area. I couldn't see anything. He must have gone back into the forest where he belongs.

"Do you see anything?" Julian asks me.

I shake my head. "No. He is nowhere to be seen. He just disappeared. I think he might have gone back to the woods." I look at Julian. "Do you think it's safe to make a run for your jeep?"

"I don't know," Julian shines his light around. "We could make a run for it, but then he might try and attack us."

"Do you think he will attack us?"

"I-I don't know." I can hear the fear in his voice. "He might, but maybe he was defending his territory."

I hear a twig snapping behind us. We jump at the noise, and glance behind us, shining the light around. I couldn't see anything in the trees or in any of the dark places where he could be hiding around the campsite. I glance up in the tree above us just to make sure Bigfoot wasn't in the tree above us. He can't climb trees can he? No, he couldn't be up there. We would have seen him.

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