Chapter 27

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Wearing the military outfit made me feel like I was playing Call of Duty, only this time it was for real and I wasn't in a war zone. It was a rescue mission. Julian and I step out of the truck, looking around us. I manage to get a better look at the surroundings then what I saw inside the truck. It surprised me how none of the public knew about this cave. How long has it been here for?

I wonder how long they have spent on making this cave as their secret hideout for Bigfoot. The ground was tar so they were able to drive through here. I wasn't sure how far the road extended into the cave. It goes past the stair case the soldier told us about, disappearing around a corner. I wonder where it leads to. In a few dark areas of the cave where there weren't any light, bats was hanging off the ceiling. It made me wonder how the bats could stand to be in here with all of the pollution from the trucks. Even with the long sleeves and pants, the cool air within the cave still managed to get through the material, making me shiver. I hear a faint sound, but I wasn't sure what it was. I then caught sight of the wires running along the wall. I take a closer look at them. The cables were on either side of the cave walls, giving light whenever it was needed. The cables must be coming from a generator, which is probably what the faint sound was. I follow the cables to the left side of the wall. They lead downstairs.

I look around at the soldiers moving around, making sure everything was in order and no one was trespassing. I wonder if they will take any notice that Julian and I weren't one of them.

Julian and I hid our faces as we walk past soldiers, heading towards the stairs the soldier had instructed us to go. We grab hold of the railing as we walk down the rocky stairs. I didn't see the water on one of the steps and almost slipped. Luckily I was hanging onto the railing.

"How long do you think this cave has been here?" I whisper to Julian so my voice couldn't echo.

"I'm not sure. It might have always been here, but no one ever knew about it, especially when there are no trails leading out here. So because it wasn't placed on the map, the military took over it and claimed it so they could do experiments on Sasquatches I guess."

"How would Paul have known the name to this place?"

Julian shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe he overheard one of the soldiers talking."

We heard soldiers walking up the staircase. We move a side as three of them walk past us. Continuing on, it was a long way down and I didn't understand why it was such a long way down, about a hundred steps. I don't want to know how we are going to be able to get up these stairs later.

There's a stream of water at the bottom of the stairs, and we walked along the path beside it. We could hear people's voices echoing at the other end of the cave. That must be where the lab is, and hopefully Bigfoot is there too.

We enter an area where it was brighter more than when we were walking down the path beside the stream. It's a large space in the cave for the laboratory. The place reminded me of some science-fiction movie. There are four men in white coats in the area with tables full of lab equipment. Among them are a few soldiers. They must be there to guard Sasquatch in case he ever tried to escape. I don't see him anywhere. I wonder where they are keeping him. It shouldn't be too far from the lab. The scientists were speaking to each other in scientific terms that I couldn't understand. Decorated around the cave are artefacts of Bigfoot. From the looks of it, it seems like this secret cave has been here for ages, collecting and studying the artefacts to decide whether or not if this mythical creature really does exist.

I see another opening to a tunnel and I wondered if Bigfoot would be in there. He has to be. Our answer was soon answered when we heard a growl.

Julian and I headed towards the tunnel. We nod a hello to the other soldiers who were keeping watch of the scientists. The scientists ignore us as they continue to work on their experiments. We stroll over to the two soldiers guarding the entry.

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