Chapter 14

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It wasn't easy to get any sleep like Julian had said to do. All I could think about is whether or not if we would be safe. I don't think Bigfoot would attack our tent, would he?

For the remainder of the night I couldn't hear anything. It was so weird how one moment there was so much noise and then the next it was silent, like nothing ever happened at all. Maybe I'm overreacting about Bigfoot attacking us, right? He probably has moved on by now, maybe to terrorise another campsite or he is just heading into the forest for food or maybe nap for the rest of the night. He only attacked me because he didn't like me waving the flashlight in his face, which I didn't mean to do. I mean, there have been no reports that this creature has ever attacked or killed anyone, although the police would probably say it was a bear or coyote or some other wild animal. Bigfoot would be the last thing they would think of for the attacks.

I managed to get some sleep, but it wasn't comfortable with my injuries. I could only lie on my back and not on my side. When I woke in the morning, I only find Julian sleeping beside me. Sally was no longer napping in my sleeping bag. I don't panic, thinking that she is probably outside the tent. I don't smell anything burning so I know she isn't cooking breakfast.

I unzip the tent and peek outside, glancing around for my sister, but I don't see her anywhere. I called her name, but she doesn't respond. I try not to panic and think something horrible has happened to her. Maybe she is wandering around the campsite or down by the river. She can't be too far.

I turn to Julian, shaking him gently. "Julian, wake up. Sally is gone."

He opens his eyes, half asleep as he stares at me. "What do you mean gone?"

"I mean she isn't in this tent, and she isn't outside of it either."

Julian sits up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and then ran a hand through his bed hair. "Okay, just chill, David. She shouldn't be too far away. She is probably just walking around the campsite."

He gets up and together we climbed out of the tent. I didn't take much notice when I peeked out earlier, but Julian notices footprints stamped in the dirt, leading from the tent to somewhere in the campsite. Julian takes the tranquiliser, just in case Bigfoot has my sister. I don't think he would do anything to harm her, would he?

We follow what could be Sally's footprints stamped alongside Bigfoot's. Julian tries to tell me that nothing bad was going to happen to my sister, but all I can think about is what would happened if she had run off into the forest, got lost, got injured or worse – attacked by a wild animal? What do I tell Dad?

We followed the tracks down to the river. It ends there. I scan the bank, wondering where my sister had disappeared to. This is one of the reasons why I didn't want her to come. I knew something would go wrong. This trip is only meant to be Julian and me.

"Sally!" I yell at the top of my lungs. Thank goodness there weren't any other campers around. I don't think they would enjoy waking up to my voice.

A scream suddenly comes from out of nowhere, and all I can think about is the worst. Julian and I look at each other.

"It sounds like it came from the trail," Julian guesses.

Without hesitating, we made a beeline towards the trail leading to Keekwulee Falls. We follow her screams. We find her half way down the trail. She is in the river, sitting on a bed of rocks. I wasn't sure how deep the water was, but I was glad she was sitting on the rocks. From the trail I couldn't see what was going on or why she was screaming. From her tone, she sounded like she was in agony. Julian and I rush down to her, being careful not to slip over the edge or rocks.

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