Chapter 3

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I had difficulty sleeping. All I could see was Sasquatch coming after me as I had on and off dreams of him. There was one dream I had where he hunted Julian and me down to get us back for running him over. No matter where we tried to hide, he managed to find us.

By eight o'clock I hear movements downstairs and can smell pancakes. I drag myself out of bed and walk down the stairs, not even bothering to get change out of the clothes I wore yesterday. I feel like a zombie as I walk to the kitchen from the lack of sleep. I find Sally sitting at the table while Dad was at the stove, flipping pancakes.

Dad looks in my direction as I walked in. "Morning, David."

Sally turns to me as I sit down beside her. She greets me.

I let out a yawn. "Morning."

I folded my arms on the table, resting my head on them and close my eyes.

"What happened to your face?" my sister asks me.

I sit up quickly, remembering I had scratched the side of my cheek on some bark. Crap. What do I say without my dad getting suspicious about my whereabouts?

Dad turns from the stove for a moment to get a glance of my face. "How did you get that?"

I think up for a good excuse. "Ah, I don't remember. I just woke up with the scratch."

Sally laughs. "You must have been sleepwalking."

"Did you get any sleep?" Dad asks me.

I relax. Good. He isn't suspicious of anything. Not yet anyway. "No. I couldn't sleep. I had these never ending nightmares of Bigfoot."

Sally and Dad laughs.

"Bigfoot?" Sally says. "Are you sure it wasn't you that you saw? You have big feet too."

I glance at her with weary eyes. "What? No. I'm way too short to be Bigfoot."

"Well, son, let me assure you that Bigfoot isn't real," Dad tells me.

Yeah, are you sure about that? Well, it might be extinct now after last night.

"What if Bigfoot is real?" I ask.

Dad takes the pancakes out of the pan and places them on a plate. "Well, that's hard to say really. We basically will have to examine him to make sure he is harmless and isn't going to cause a threat to us. We also will have to keep him protected so no one can harm him."

Dad places the plate full of pancakes on the table. I stare at the pancakes in front of me, not really interested in eating.

"Didn't they discover Bigfoot a couple of years ago?" Sally asks.

"Not really," Dad says, shaking his head. "It was a hoax."

My phone rings, causing me to jump in my seat. I pull it from my pocket, not realising I still had it in there. Julian's name appears on the caller ID. I get up and step away from the table, walking into the living room so Dad couldn't overhear me. No doubt he will start questioning me about my whereabouts with him last night if he hears our conversation.

"Hey, did you manage to sneak back in last night?" I ask.

"I did. You?"

"Yeah, just in time. Dad came home just as I came through the door."

"Lucky you. Hey, are you able to come to my place? My mom is throwing a fit over my jeep."

"Did she ask what happened?"

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