Chapter 8

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At the time when I discuss the idea with Julian, it sounded brilliant. But when I returned home that evening, I realised capturing Bigfoot wasn't such a great idea after all. I played the scenarios in my head of all the different ways we could capture him. It seemed easy, but carrying or dragging him to the car was a different story. There is no way we could carry him on our own. Not without help, but who would want to help us without thinking we are complete lunatics for believing in something that isn't supposed to exist?

It may be late, but I had to call Julian and tell him about what I was thinking. Otherwise I wasn't going to be able to sleep at all tonight.

"David, chill. We will work everything out," Julian tells me.

I nod and hang up the phone. I lay there in bed wondering if he was right. Will we work everything out? It would be like trying to move an elephant, although I think Bigfoot may weigh more.

The next morning I played out what I was going to say to Mrs Cameron. I just hope she agrees to write the note for both Julian and me. I'm sure she would. If it's for an assignment, she will.

I get to school early so I can approach her first thing in the morning, that way she will have plenty of time to write the letter by the end of the day. I waited for Julian at the front of the school. His dad has been dropping him off on his way to work until he gets his jeep back. As I wait for him I keep a look out for Mrs Cameron's car. She drives a red Volkswagen beetle. I'm surprised she drives it when she could afford a really expensive car considering her husband is a lawyer in Portland. She travels two hours and forty-four minutes each week to school. I don't know how she does it. I'm surprise she doesn't attend a school closer to her.

Just as I spot Julian's dad coming down the street, I see Mrs Cameron behind them. She passes them as they pull over onto the kerb, and pulls into the teacher's parking lot that is to the east side of the school. Her car disappears amongst the other teacher's cars around the building. My heart sinks for a brief moment when I can no longer see her. I will see her soon, I tell myself.

"When are you going to realise that you can't have Mrs Cameron for yourself?"

I turn to Julian, annoyed with him for keep reminding me how I couldn't have a student/teacher relationship with her. I knew it was illegal. I knew she was married. In a few weeks I won't be her student no more.

"Thanks for crushing my dreams," I reply.

I start heading towards the building. Julian follows me, apologising for upsetting me. I shake it off. I shouldn't be snapping at him for something I know that is true.

"Sorry for snapping," I apologise as well. "I didn't get much sleep last night. Plus I don't want to be reminded all the time that I can't have a relationship with her."

"Fair enough. So, are you sure you really want to head up to the mountains?"

I nod. "I'm sure."

"What are we going to do with him afterwards?"

I think about it for a second, but I'm unable to come up with an answer. It's not something I have really thought through. The only thing that is running through my mind right now is to save a mythical creature. Even if we don't find him for a third time, I want to do everything I can to save him. He has a right to live and doesn't need some poacher to end his life for money. Besides, Bigfoot has never hurt anyone I don't think. In movies they show how dangerous Sasquatch is, but it's usually because people invade his territory and that's when he turns on them. I don't know if he is like that in reality. He did try to come after Julian and me that night. He didn't do anything harmful to us. Just roar, broke a picnic table and then chased us to the car where we accidently ran him over. That doesn't prove he is dangerous, does it?

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