Chapter 22

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I should be concern about whether or not if my dad is alright after being thrown, but truthfully all I was really concerned about was Bigfoot. Once Bethany, Julian and I were taken away in the patrol car, I had no idea what was going to happen to him. For all I know is the police department will have to hand him over to the government. What they will do to him, I may never know.

I lay on the bench in the jail cell of the police station, staring up at the ceiling. It was only us three in the cells. Bethany was in a separate one to mine and Julian. She stood in the cell beside us, talking to Julian. I should stand there with them and talk to pass time, but I wasn't in the mood to talk.

I imagine how scared and frustrated Sasquatch will be when he wakes up in an unfamiliar environment. They will do all kinds of experiments on him, finding out what he truly is and how he acts in the wild. I couldn't say if they will kill him, hurt him or released him back into his natural habitat.

I feel like a traitor to Bigfoot. I had promised him I will get him back home, but I didn't. Instead I had allowed him to be taken away. I shouldn't have encouraged Julian to help me relocate him. I shouldn't have allowed Ken Brooke get to me. He will never find Bigfoot. No poacher has ever been able to find him. He knows how to outsmart us all. If only Sally hadn't broken her ankle than none of this would have happened. Maybe we could have relocated Bigfoot first before taking my sister to the hospital. I'm sure she would have been alright if she had to wait, although I know the pain will be unbearable.

"How long do you think we will be in here for?" Bethany asks.

"I have no idea," Julian answers. "I don't think they will keep us in here for too long."

"What do you think is going to happen to Sasquatch now?" Bethany asks in a soft voice, which you could only just hear.

Julian is silent for a moment before answering "I don't know" in a soft voice.

I sit up on the bench and face them. "Please. Could you not talk about Bigfoot? It's bad enough I already hate myself for allowing him to be captured."

"It's not your fault, David," Julian tells me.

"No. But Bigfoot doesn't know that, does he? Who knows what he may be thinking, or what he will do once he wakes up in an unfamiliar place."

I turn my back to them. I can't bear to look at them both right now. I don't want them to see the tears that are forming in my eyes. If anything bad happens to Sasquatch, it would be my fault. I should have just left him after Julian and I found him alive after running him over. I should have ignored Ken Brooke's threats. And now he is somewhere I will never know, and whether or not if he will be alright.

* * * * *

Bethany was the first to be let out of the cell when her father came to pick her up. Julian tries to talk to me, but I mostly just ignored him. I was in a no talking mood. I don't normally ignore Julian, but right now I just wanted to be left alone and figure out things. I'm sure Julian will understand my behaviour.

I'm soon left alone in the cell after Julian's parents came to get him. Dad comes to get me as soon as his shift is over.

As soon as Dad came to unlock the gate for me, I was almost afraid to speak. I ask him how he was after being thrown. I thought he may not answer me or tell me off, but he says he is fine and has a back ache from the fall. He doesn't say anything after that. He walks me to his car in silence.

The silence resumes as we drive home. I thought he would be yelling at me by now, but he doesn't. Not even when we enter inside our home he didn't scold. It wasn't normal for him not to scold. Maybe there was no reason for him to start shouting at me now that he knows I wasn't making Sasquatch up. He could yell at me for reckless driving and suspend my driver's license, but he doesn't. He acted like he didn't know what to say or how to discipline me.

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