Chapter 33

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None of us speak about what happen, still shock from what we have seen. Jerry walks Ken back to camp, giving him a lecture of why he wasn't allowed to poach in the woods. Dad carries me while the rest walk. Julian gives Sally a piggy back for the rest of the way. As Dad walks, I stare at the side of his face. He doesn't say anything, but I'm sure he was deep in thought, probably thinking of the lecture he was going to give me later.

Dad lies me down on a picnic table while he calls for an ambulance. Sally sits down beside me.

"How are you feeling?" she asks me.

I raise an eyebrow at my sister. "You do realise that's a dumb question."

Sally laughs. "I know. I just want to make sure you are okay."

"I'm okay. Sore, but I'm okay."

"You scared me when you collapsed on the ground and wouldn't respond. I thought you were going to die."

I reach out for her hand and squeeze it. "Sorry about that. I just felt nausea and dizzy. I feel a little bit better now."

She smiles. "Do you think that was Bigfoot's family?"

"It might have been."

"I'm happy he is with them."

"Me too."

"Do you think we're going to be in a lot of trouble by Dad?"

I couldn't give Sally a proper answer for that because I wasn't sure on it. "He may be mad at you, but he will be mad at me more."

"Sally," Dad calls out. We turn to face him as we walk over to us. "You will be coming with me once the ambulance comes to take the others to the hospital. Bethany doesn't really need to go, but I told her it was best she got her scratches on her arm check out."

"What about Ken Brooke?" Sally wanted to know. "What's going to happen to him?"

"Jerry is going with another officer to bring Ken back to Seattle while I stay here at the hospital until you guys are able to leave, or until Bethany's and Julian's parents are able to come pick them up." He looks over at me. I expected him to ask how I was, but instead he just tells me the ambulance will be here soon before walking off to talk to his colleagues.

Hopefully Dad won't be mad at me for too long and will forgive me for all the trouble I have caused.

* * * * *

Once we were submitted to hospital, Julian and I were both transported to surgery. I have no idea where Bethany went to. She didn't need surgery so I guess she will maybe be sent to the ER.

When I wake up later in a ward, I feel drowsy from the morphine I was given to ease the pain. Dad and Sally were sitting beside my bed.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Dad asks me.

"Alright, I guess," I answer. "Just feeling drowsy."

"You were asleep for almost two hours," Sally says, opening her arms to give me a hug, being careful not to crush me.

"How did surgery go?"

"The doctor said it went fine," Dad explains. "They remove the bullet and they bandage up your ribs. Two bones are broken."

"How are Julian and Bethany?"

"They are both fine. Julian is resting, and Bethany just got her arm bandage up. She left about half an hour ago with her parents."

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