Chapter 30

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So far we have managed to get away without anyone chasing us. I wanted to believe we will be safe now, but I knew eventually we will be found. Bigfoot may have wrecked the police officer's car, but it won't be long until someone tracks us down.

We decided to get off the main road, pulling into a deserted campground, waiting until we thought it was safe enough to continue our journey. It won't be long until the military comes after us or the officer calls for back up. Taking a short break gave us time to figure out what we were going to do. We decided to drive to Colville, change cars, maybe find a van, to hide Bigfoot and so the police won't recognise us. Bethany wanted to get Julian to hospital, but Julian rejected the idea. He studied the map, trying to figure out what was a good location to drop off Bigfoot, somewhere that was far away from Maze Cave and so the military couldn't find him. We settled on Wish Poosh Campground. It was further away, but it was not far from where we first found him.

Bigfoot walks away from the campground and heads towards the creek. Sally goes down there with him. I stay with Bethany and Julian. I sat with the two of them, watching Bethany clean Julian's wound. So far it wasn't infected, but I wasn't sure how much longer we could leave the wound untreated.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" I ask Julian.

Julian shakes his head. "No. Going into the hospital will mean missing out on getting Bigfoot back to the wild safely. I know you're both concerned about me. I'm worried about myself too, but I'm thankful I was shot in the shoulder and not near an artery or near an organ. Right now I feel exhausted, nausea and dizzy from the loss of blood, but I'm still alive. David and I were the ones who wanted to help Bigfoot in the first place. We may have gotten into shit along the way, but this mission is to make sure he is safe. We may not be able to keep him safe from poachers like Ken Brooke, but I want to make sure he will. And hopefully the government isn't going to stop us. Otherwise..." His voice trails off for a moment as he looks far into the distance. Then in a soft voice he says, "Otherwise rescuing him would have been for nothing."

Bethany rests a hand on his cheek. "Hey, rescuing him won't be for nothing." She smiles.

Julian returns the smile and reaches up with his good hand to take hers into his. "I know, and that's why I don't want to go to the hospital just yet."

I smile at both of my friends, glad to see that this trip has helped Julian to get over his shyness with the girl of his dreams. Even if I couldn't end up with Mrs Cameron, I'm glad Julian will end up with Bethany. I wonder what Mrs Cameron could be thinking or what she is doing after I kissed her.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the sound of an approaching engine from a helicopter is heard in the distance. We quickly scramble off the table and hid under a tree so we couldn't be spotted from above. The good thing was my car was parked underneath the tree. Hopefully Bigfoot and Sally manage to hide.

The army helicopter flies over. We wait until we can no longer hear the roaring engine before we decided to hit the road again. I call for Sally and she walks over to us with Bigfoot behind her.

As we approach the town, we kept a look out for the police or any military personnel that could be roaming the streets. We look around for a quiet place where no one could see Bigfoot. We pull up near Yep Kanum Park. It was the perfect place to hide him until we figure out how we were going to get another vehicle. The good thing was there weren't many people around since it was a weekday. From where we are under the trees that surrounded the picnic area, I could see a yellow school bus down at the other end near the pools. I was glad there weren't many people. It would be a disaster when they see Sasquatch. With less people around, I knew it wasn't going to be easy to talk someone into allowing us to borrow their vehicle, especially trying to bribe them with a hundred dollars. It was all the money we had put together. It was enough to get us home.

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