Chapter 31

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We were twenty minutes out of Colville when Bethany is pulled over by the police. We sit in silence, hearing the officer's footsteps along the tar road. We glance around at each other, unsure what we are going to do. If we are lucky, we could get away without being recognise, but no doubt we will. Right now we needed a miracle to get away with anything.

"Sorry to stop you, Miss," the officer says as he stood at Bethany's side.

Bethany smiles innocently. "That's okay, Officer. Is everything alright?"

"There has been a report of a stolen blue van. Do you know anything about that?"

Bethany shakes her head. "Sorry, sir."

"There have also been three separate reports about four teenagers seen with Sasquatch."

"Sasquatch?" Bethany turns to me. "You haven't seen Sasquatch while we have been driving?"

I stare into her eyes, seeing the fear in them, thinking that this could be the end of the line for us. She was worried about lying to the officer and knew there was a chance he will see she is lying. Dad always says you can tell whether or not if a person is lying by staring in their eyes.

Bigfoot growls at something. I quickly laugh to cover up his growl. My ribs ached from laughing, but I didn't want to show the officer I was in any pain. "Sasquatch? Wouldn't that make me sound crazy if I did see him?"

Bethany smiles, mouthing thank you to me before turning back to the officer.

The officer laughs too. "Yes, I guess it's a little unbelievable."

"Of course it's not believable," I say. "He is hardly ever out in the open where everyone can see him."

"Yes, well could I please see your license and registration, please?"

"License and registration?" Bethany asks, confused. "What for? I wasn't doing anything wrong, was I?"

Before the officer asks her again for her license and registration, Bigfoot growls loudly. I couldn't cover up the growl with a laugh this time. Even if I could, my ribs couldn't take another laugh. Besides, there wasn't anything to laugh at, not unless I pretend it's my stomach or that we have a dog in the back. Sally tries to get him to be quiet, but it's already too late. The police officer already knew something suspicious was going on.

"What's in the back of your van?" he asks.

"It's our dog," I say, thinking quickly. "He is very aggressive."

The police officer chuckles and puts his hands on his hips. "I need you guys to step out of the vehicle, please."

Bethany and I look at each other, unsure of how we were going to get out of this situation. I didn't dare to glance back at Julian and Sally. I didn't want to see the anxiety on their faces, or let them think this trip was a waste of time. I couldn't glance at Sasquatch either. Whether or not if he understood what was going on, I didn't want to watch him be captured again. Not to be taken away and be experimented on. Julian and I should have left him alone in the wild. We wouldn't be in this mess right now. Bigfoot would have outsmarted Ken Brooke if he was able to find him.

As much as I knew it was wrong and how much trouble we were going to get for this, but I knew we have to speed off. I don't think Bethany could handle a high speed chase, so I will have to take the wheel. Julian wouldn't be able to drive well with his shoulder. I could maybe drive, just as long as I don't move my ribs too much.

"Swap seats with me, Bethany," I whisper.

She looks at me with a puzzle look. "What?"

"Don't ask questions." I unbuckle my seat belt and get up.

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