23. Mother's stand 🔥

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Tae stood in front of the mirror, her hand resting gently on her still-flat belly. The decision to keep the baby had been an emotional journey for everyone, but now they were united in their support.

Today was the first visit to the gynecologist, and the entire family was determined to be there with her.

Jk entered the room, smiling warmly as he saw Tae's reflection.

Jk- Ready, Taehyungshi? We don't want to be late for our little one's first check-up. (he asked, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist)

Tae leaned back into his embrace, feeling his steady presence give her strength.

Tae- I'm ready. Thank you for being so supportive, Jungkook. It means the world to me. (she said, a mix of nervousness and excitement in her voice)

Jk kissed the top of her head.

Jk- I'll always be here for you, Taehyungshi. Now, let's go to meet our baby.

Downstairs, Taehan and Jungshi were waiting by the door, their excitement palpable.

Taehan, though initially resistant to the idea, had come around and was now looking forward to the visit. Jungshi, always the enthusiastic one, was practically bouncing with energy.

Jungshi- Come on, Amma! Let's go! I can't wait to see the baby. (said with her eyes sparkling)

Taehan nodded in agreement, a rare smile on his face.

Taehan- Yeah, Amma. It's going to be amazing.

The family piled into the car, Jk driving with Tae in the passenger seat and the kids in the back. The drive to the clinic was filled with light-hearted banter and jokes, a welcome relief after the tension of the past few days.

At the clinic, they were ushered into an examination room, where the gynecologist greeted them warmly.

Dr- Good morning Mrs Jeon. How are you feeling today?

Tae smiled nervously.

Tae- A bit anxious, but also excited.

The doctor nodded understandingly.

Dr- That's completely normal. Let's start with an ultrasound and see how everything looks.

As Tae lay back on the examination table, Jk held her hand, his thumb gently stroking her knuckles.

Taehan and Jungshi stood close by, their eyes glued to the monitor. The doctor applied the gel to Tae's belly and began the ultrasound.

Dr- There it is. That's your baby. (said while pointing to the screen)

A collective gasp filled the room. On the screen was the tiny, flickering heartbeat of their unborn child. Tae felt tears spring to her eyes, and Jk squeezed her hand, his own eyes misting over.

Taehan and Jungshi were awestruck.

Taehan- Wow! That's... that's amazing. (he whispered, his voice filled with wonder)

Jungshi's eyes were wide with excitement.

Jungshi- I can't believe it! We're going to have a baby brother or sister.

The doctor smiled at their reactions.

Dr- Everything looks good so far. Mrs Jeon, you'll need to take extra care because of your age, but with proper monitoring and care, there's every reason to be optimistic.

Jk turned to Tae, his expression full of love and determination.

Jk- We'll do whatever it takes to make sure you and the baby are safe and healthy.

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