School: Religion and Christianity

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For as far back as I can remember I've been Christian, and it's been great. There have been a few instances where people haven't agreed with my religion but people are gonna disagree with everything I do so it's whatever.

I don't attend public school so I don't know how people treat the Christianity religion there but this is a story of something like that.

I was a 5-year-old in Kindergarten, making friends and acing spelling tests without a care in the world. My teacher came in one day and explained that her dad had passed away and she was a bit upset.

Little me always looked on the bright side of things so to try and make my teacher feel better I drew her a picture of her dad in Heaven with Jesus and whatever is in Heaven. She thanked me for it and we continued on with class.

After I got home a few hours later, my mom got a phone call from my teacher. {Bold is my mom and Italic is my teacher}


"Hey, is this Lillyan's mom?"

"Yeah it is. Did Lillyan do something in school today?"

"Kind of. My dad passed away so she drew me a picture of my dad in Heaven with Jesus."

"Aww, she did? I'm so proud of her for that. She loves God and loves talking about-"

"Yeah, well we aren't supposed to talk about that, so..."


Is this normal in public school?

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