Part 3~ Wings

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no one pov-

The guardian Child waited patiently for Red To wake up the next Day. He'd gotten some sleep but he still felt the fear of watching his parents die and that the Humans might come and take him away. He trusted Red and didn't want to lose him.

Soon he noticed the other Red Steve, Excited was messing with A pair of Goggles as He stared at him. A part of Him wanted to ask the Red steve not to stare but he couldn't help but stare back. Soon them staring at each other became a contest as Elan started thinking.

This world was different then his own. He had only now noticed the shift in the air that felt so much different and Safer then his own world. He guessed the people living here, The red steves, had a different way of naming themselves. After All Red was named Red steve and Excite was named Excited Red steve.

"Can I touch your wings?" Excited suddenly asked as his Gaze went to the Rainbow colored wings.

"Sure..." Elan mumbled not knowing if it was a good idea to let the steve touch them. Slowly he expanded his left wing to let him touch it.

Unlike how the Humans had touched them Excited touched them with care. It gave him comfort. He could still remember how his parents had died to the Humans. His parents had protected him saying that he would someday become A strong and talented Guardian. He didn't want that though. He just wanted to be himself.

Leaning into the touch he sighed. His father had rarely had time to help him preen his wings and right now they were a little messy, Maybe it wasn't a good Idea to Run through thorn bushes.

"Can you help me preen them?" He suddenly asked Excited as the boy nodded.

"I don't know how to but I want to learn!"

"This is how you preen wings." slowly, as Red slept, Elan taught Excite how to preen his wings. He felt comforted in the others presence and close to him.

"Soft..." Excite mumbled as Elan smiled softly.

"All guardian's wings are soft." He found himself Saying as Excited smiled at him.

"Really? Can you tell me more?" Excited asked as Elan nodded and started telling him what he knew of his kind.

(This is how Elan's Wings Look)

(This is how Elan's Wings Look)

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