Part 15~ Making a Gift

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No One pov-

"Elan! What are you doing?" A now Seven year old Child Goggles asked Elan as the young Guardian was Looking at a book with designs of Different Clothes and Blankets.

"I'm going to See if I can make different things!" Elan said softly as his friend sat next to him, His smile wide.

"Have you found out the feel you want?" Goggles asked as Elan nodded.

"I want it Soft! I want to make something For Red for everything he's Done for me." Elan Admitted as He looked over the Designs. "I just don't know what to make for him. You know how I can just barely control My powers."

"You don't want to mess up do you?" Goggles asked as Elan Nodded.

"Yeah. I don't want to accidentally hurt him with it like when I made that Candle. I hadn't known that it would burn far Better and hotter then The normal Candle."

"hmm... Your right." Goggles Muttered as He furrowed his Brow. He needed to Find A way to Help his Friend! "Maybe if You got a understanding of a material that you could use it'd Help?" He suggested as Elan brightened.

"That's a awesome Idea! If I understand more About what I'm making then there's a lot less of a chance of making something Else! Thanks Goggles!" Elan exclaimed as He went to Grab a different book from they're Shared bookshelf. "What kind of Cloth should I use?"

"Maybe Silk?" Goggles Suggested as Elan nodded.

"From what I know of Silk it's both Soft and Durable... It'd work perfectly..." Elan Mumbled as He started Flipping through the Pages of the Book in his Hands. "I just need to Find out what My powers would effect about it. Maybe the Durability and softness?"

"That's a high possibility." Goggles exclaimed excited. "Maybe then you could make him a Blanket!"

"True... I doubt that my powers would do anything Negative to Silk, Do You Goggles?" Elan asked as The Red Steve shook his Head.

"I don't think so!"

"Great because I don't want him hurt!" Elan exclaimed as He started reading as The Red Steve questioned what made Elan's Powers sometimes have negative effects. Suddenly he had a Idea And Went to write it down. What If Elan's Powers were Connected to His emotions?

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