Part 42~ Vale

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Sabre Pov-

As I sat down on a chair in the Library I couldn't help but wonder why the title was named Vale, Or Latin of Goodbye. I opened the book and Started Reading.

Quicumque hunc librum legit, doleo (To whoever Reads this Book, I am sorry)

Certus sum te audivisse vel legere de 'custodis arcus'. (I am sure that you've heard or Read about the 'rainbow guardian')

Plerique putant se fabulam esse, vel fabulam tantum a rubris vectibus narratam. (Most people think that he's a myth, or just a fairy tale told by Red steves.)

Fabula non est. (He is not a myth.)

Verus est et abiit. (He is Real and he is gone.)

Ignota vi capta, eum post 24 annos invenire non potuimus (Taken by a unknown force, we were not able to find him after 24 years)

24 annorum tempus longum est mihi. Desidero eum. (24 years is a long time for me. I miss him.)

Nunc sed... (But now...)

Ferri rubri sinistri et dextri interficiuntur. (The Red steves are being killed left and Right.)

Qui adhuc vivunt... (Those who are still alive...)

Non possum dicere quid illis accidat (I cannot say what will happen to them)

Nescio an tempore Elan Returns adhuc habebo sanitatem aliquam relictam... (I do not know if by the time Elan Returns I'll still have any sanity left...)

credo hoc ultimum ingressum esse librum qui relinquetur... (I suppose this Is my last entry for a book that will be left behind...)

Hoc ergo dicam,

Vale Elan. Spero te aliquando iterum videre et audire me vocas cognomento quod mihi ante omnes illos annos dedisti.

Pro me Professor Red omnibus praeter te.

Tibi Elan, simpliciter Goggles sum(So I'll say this,

Goodbye Elan. I hope to see you again someday and hear you call me by the nickname you gave me all those years ago.

For I am Professor Red to Everyone but You.

To you Elan, I am simply Goggles.)

Vale, exspectabo diem quo iterum Frater convenimus (Goodbye, I'll wait for the day we meet again Brother)

Vale... (Goodbye)

I stared at the book, which was truly just a letter, in shock. He was saying goodbye? In a way that anyone knowing Latin would be able to read? And why was he sorry and Not able to Tell whoever reads the Book about what would Happen to the Red steves? Wouldn't he try to help them Survive?

So many unanswered questions and so Little time... They'll never be able to answer my questions so I should stop wondering. Unless... What if I asked M?

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