Part 46~ The Old Red Kingdom

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Sabre pov-

As soon as We got there M let go of my hand and Walked towards a Stone that seemed to be fresh? It had rainbows on it and there was MY original name...

"So, this is the Place?" Light asked as M nodded, tracing the name.

"Yes. One of the two should be coming today as I did ask them to."

"Hopefully the Sane one comes." I heard Light mumble as I smiled at him before turning to get a better look at my old home. Everything was destroyed... But why was the stone left seemingly untouched?

"What happened here?" I found myself asking as I felt sadness radiate from M.

"darkness happened." He stated as He stood back up when Footsteps were heard. "That would be him."

"So something happened?" A similar Cloaked figure asked M as He stopped a few feet away from us. "That caused you to bring both The Keeper of Light and Sabre?"

"Yes." M stated as Light spoke up.

"My Name is just Light."

"What happened? Did Sol find what he wanted?" The man asked M, ignoring Light.

"No. But he has taken over the rainbow kingdom and Killed the Leaders from what Sabre said." M replied as Light sighed.

"Yep, I saw it happen to." He spoke up as I tried to find some sort of feeling from the Other Male. He practically was Boiling with concern.

"Killed the Leaders? Why would he do that?" The man asked as He seemingly looked over at M for Injuries.

"We're not sure." I found Myself Saying as The Man looked at me. "He wanted them to join him and When they said no he killed them." I stated as He looked me up and Down.

"..." He stayed quiet for a moment Before sighing. "Do you want me to Help them Take back they're Kingdom M?" He asked as M nodded.

"Yes." He admitted as the seemingly older sighed.

"So this is how we'll return huh?" The Man Mumbled as He shook his Head. "Wait for A day before going back Sabre And Light. I need time to get some others to help."

"Okay?" Light questioned as I nodded.


"Quick question though Dad," M started as I stared at him. "Is Professor Coming?"

"Not today, When they go back to the kingdom though..." The man hesitated. "I think he will. You know how he is since that day."


"So where do we rest?" Light asked as I snapped out of my haze of staring into M's Soul.

"Follow me, There's still a few houses that are clean and in good shape." The older said as We followed him.

"What do we call you?" I asked as He sighed.

"For now? Call me leader."


Why did they feel so Safe..?

(Check out dreamnobalde and they're books and Channel! Hope you all have a nice day!)

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