Part 11~ the idea of school

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No one pov-

"Since it's the beginning of your Second Week here I was Hoping You would Be ready for School." Red Started as Elan Shook at the thought. From what Goggles had told him school was where you learned things. That wasn't what Scared him, No, it was the Fact that there were other people there. He was scared on how people would see him. "If you don't want to right now it's Alright, I'll understand."

Goggles Hugged Him as He thought about it. Red had been nothing but Kind to him. Goggles had been kind, understanding and Like a brother he never had. Slowly the guardian nodded. He needed to do this For Both himself And Goggles.

"I-I'll try..." He whispered as Red Smiled Softly at him.

"That's all I ask." Red Responded as Elan Smiled. He would Try his Hardest to be brave. For both Red and Goggles.

"Will he be in the Same class?" Goggles asked as Red smiled at him.

"He's The Same age as you so I don't see why not." Red mused as Goggles Jumped up, A familiar Excitement in his Eyes.

"Yay! I'll show you around when We go tomorrow Elan! I'll stay right by your side!" He exclaimed, Banishing Elan's Fear of being alone when he went there. A small soft Smile appeared on his Face.

"Really?" Elan asked as Goggles Nodded Sincerely.

"Anyone who Hurts you will deal with me!" He claimed as Elan Smile widened. He was thankful to Have a friend like Goggles.

"W-will Explorer be there?" He found himself Asking as Red sighed.

"Explorer is younger then the Both of you. He's in a class next door. When recess comes around you'll be able to talk to him." Red explained as Elan started to grow excited, He'd see his Friends on a more Regular basis unlike in his Old home.

"Thank you..." He mumbled as Goggles Hugged him again. None of them questioned why he was Thanking them.

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