Chapter 1: Awakening

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In an isolated stone room, a young man in a pale brown sleeved shirt and brown pants lay in a bed with light blue lights beneath him. There are some weeds growing on the stone walls, and the light from the object where the man lays is the only light within the room. A sweet and gentle voice speaks suddenly out of the air

Mysterious young woman
Awaken, Damian

The young man grunts and slowly gets up, rubbing his eyes with a groan

Mysterious woman
Please...get up

Damian slowly gets off the glowing bed and looks around, still feeling a little tired, and many questions race through his head, like where he was, or even who he is as a person. Damian never spoke and looked forward and saw a pedestal rise out of the ground with a loud grinding of stone sound. On it was a circular tablet with a smooth, black screen. With a hard frame like a case around it

Mysterious woman
Take that, Damian. It will help you in the journey ahead

Damian walked over and blinked, confused, but walked over to the pedestal and picked up the tablet. The screen flashes and makes a loud noise. He looked at the screen closely to see that a map had appeared.

Mysterious woman
That is a map of my kingdom, Celdin. I am the Goddess of the land trapped in Celdin Castle. My name is Celia.

Damian looked at the tablet map, confused and grunted, shaking his head

Use the tablet to open the door ahead

Damian looked at a huge stone wall ahead and held the Ancient Tablet up slowly to it. The wall glowed bright blue, with a circle and four strands. It started to grind against the rock as it opened.

This may come as a surprise, but you have been awoken because I believe you can save me, me from this...this...

(Soft gentle curious voice)
Save it from what?

(Worried tone)
I-I don't know exactly...but come, proceed to the next room

The next room was lit up by a hole and ahead that seemed to lead outside. Damian looked around and saw a steel sword on an old pedestal. A shield leaned next to it. The shield was a basic metal shield. The equipment was rusty and didn't look like it'd last long

Please take will help you in the journey ahead as well

Damian hooked the Legend Tablet on his belt of his tunic and slowly walked up to the pedestal, and pulled the sword with ease. Damian examined the sword and swung it a bit, then looked nearby to see there was a sheath, and he also grabbed the shield and put it on his back

This doesn't look like it'll last long...but thank you nonetheless

Go...outside, there's something I wish to show you.

Damian walked outside and felt the warm sun as it hung in the air. Damian then looked around to see great trees to the west. To the northwest was giant snow-covered mountains. To the north was a great grassy field. To the northeast were giant hills with some forest areas. To the east seemed to be a lake followed by a desert in the distance and to the south seemed to be a great forest.last was a lake that led from the lake into the forest to the west. Damian looked at a massive castle as an ominous darkness surrounded it. Dark and purple smoke swirled around it, and Damian stared at it

(In a shaky voice)
By now, you must see where Celdin Castle is...that is where I am trapped

Damian gasped as the ground shook, and he looked to see the purple mist around the castle swirl fast for a few seconds until it became still and slowly rotating around the castle.

(Worried) not know what lies in this castle or what has me trapped...but it would be wise not to make your way to me just yet

Damian is silent but nods and glares at the castle. He then speaks

(Looking at the castle)
What must I do then?

(Sounding hopeful)
Are you truly ready to endure the trials that will lie ahead for you?

Yes, Goddess Celia, I am ready to do what it takes to save your kingdom

Good...go then, to Malator Village in the Dark Woods, the great forest that you see to the west. Use the Ancient Tablet to guide you

Damian looked around at Celia, and his voice was no longer heard. He took out the Ancient Tablet to see where the Dark Woods was. To his shock, there was a flashing dot on his map, which led into the forest west of Celdin. Damian took one final glance, then nodded and grunted as he put away the Ancient Tablet and began his journey

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