Chapter 12: The sword of legend

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Damian and Sirrina emerge from the water, back to the shore. They spot a massive black dragon with a saddle. Excitement fills their eyes as they hop on the dragon's back and it takes off towards the Dark Woods. The dragon soars high into the sky, revealing a breathtaking view of Celdin.

Wow...such an amazing view.

Yeah, it is.

I always wanted to see how all of Celdin I have and it's very romantic. But I hope it's not our final moments.

What do you mean?

The Legend Sword will kill anyone without mercy.

But my mother's soul is in it. I believe in its power.

Sirrina shakes her head and breaks down into tears.

Damian...I don't want to lose you!

Damian gently strokes her hair, comforting her.

I'm not dead yet, Sirrina. I will fight the killing curse to be with you again.

Sirrina smiles through her tears and rests her head on Damian's chest. They continue their journey towards the Dark Woods. The dragon lands in Malator village, where people in green clothes bow in respect to Sirrina, addressing her as "Princess." Damian and Sirrina dismount the dragon, and it flies off.

They make their way to the legendary blue and gold sword, the Legend Sword. People from Outlook village, who seem to be survivors, stand in a circle around the sword. Sirrina takes a deep breath and addresses the crowd.

Celedians, today we are here to witness a legend being fulfilled. But first, we must determine if Damian is the true Hero of Legend.

She looks at Damian with teary eyes, fearing it may be their last encounter. Damian approaches the Legend Sword, feeling a chill down his spine. He grips the handle with both hands and pulls. The blade starts to glow, and Damian feels his life force fading rapidly. His head throbs intensely, and he almost passes out. With one last breath, he pulls with all his might, and the sword comes free, illuminating the area with a bright blue flash.

Damian stands in awe, feeling the power surging through him. He raises the sword and hears a sweet, faint voice speaking directly to his heart.

Damian, I am your mother, and I am so proud of you!

Damian looks around, thinking someone else heard it.

No one can hear me except you because my soul rests within the sword. Listen to what the Princess has to say.

Sirrina looks at Damian with relief. He swings the sword twice and then sheathes it.

Hero of Legend, do you accept this offering?

Yes, I do.

Sirrina nods, and Damian kneels before her.

By Goddess Celia and my plea, you are to save Celdin from the darkness inside Celdin Castle.

Damian nods, and Sirrina instructs him to rise. The crowd cheers, acknowledging Damian as the potential savior of Celdin. Damian and Sirrina step outside the village to have a private conversation.

I'm so glad you didn't die.

I almost did. The Legend Sword has the power to control legends themselves?

Yes, it can control anything connected to the Dark Star, including the Ancients.

That sounds incredibly useful.

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