Chapter 2: The mystical sword

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The dark woods were nothing like they sounded; the trees are bright green, and it is a breathtakingly beautiful forest. Birds chirp and fly through the trees. Damian looked ahead to see a village with several small, unique structures. He looked for a way to get there and saw a bridge that went over a big river. Damian walked across the bridge and into the village. There didn't seem to be anyone there as he looked around

(Looking around)
Hello!? Is there anyone here?

There was no answer, Damian looked around with a nervous look. He then spotted in front of him in the middle of the village, a sword stuck in a pedestal. Damian approached it and looked at it. The sword had a golden handle with a light blue blade. It had half crescent-shaped wings engraved into the handle of both sides. On the bottom of it was a circular symbol, with four strands surrounded by a circle. Damian looked down at the blade and realized there were words inscribed onto the stone pedestal in which it sat in:
The Legend Sword

(Examining the sword)
The Legend Sword? What this?

Damian decides to pull it, but then his vision goes blurry, and he sees a blonde girl looking worried at Celdin Castle.

Woman in vision
The fate of Celdin...lies with you Damian...

Damian's vision returns, and the swords blade flashes with a blue aura. He grunts and struggles to let go, but eventually, he falls on the ground and passes out

Damian wakes up with a groan and looks to see a woman stare at him. She had long, blonde, curly hair and wore a blue and gold cloak with white sleeves. She wore black pants and a thin, golden crown. She had surreal crystal blue eyes. The woman sat next to him as he got off a bed.

Royal woman
(Touching Damian's shoulder)
Wait, do not stress yourself. You just woke up!

(Looking at her confused)
Uhh...where am I? I didn't die?

Royal woman
(Shaking her head)
Not at all, but I found you next to the sword in the village. You are in Malator village. I'm relieved you're not dead because that sword you tried to pull is said to kill any who aren't worthy

Damian shook his head and got up, stretching. He looked at the woman.

Royal woman
Why did you pull it? Have you a death wish or something?!

Damian explained to her Goddess Celia and his quest to save her. The woman nodded understandingly.

Royal woman
So much has happened, it seems. I was a lucky woman to survive the evil that took control of Celdin Castle thar that killed my father

Then you must be

Royal woman
I am Princess Sirrina of Celdin. Daughter of King Rokus of Celdin

My name is Damian. I don't know much about who I am

(Smiling sadly)
The darkness that one knows what or where it came from. It suddenly seized the castle one day

Damian walked over and equipped his gear, which lay against a wall. He looked at Sirrina and nodded

My job is to stop that evil

It seems you'll need the power of the Dark Star to aide you

The...Dark Star?

Sirrina nodded and took a deep breath

(Slowly and gentle)
Long ago, Celia created Celdin using the Dark Star. It is made up of seven strands. The first is the protector strand. The second is the law and order strand. The third is the light strand. The fourth is the dark strand. The fifth is the ruler strand. The sixth is the sea protector strand, and the last is the protector of the ancients. Together, this made the dark star. Celia created mages to protect the Dark Star to guard over Celdin. One day, darkness appeared out of nowhere and swallowed up Celdin Castle. In an attempt to try to save Celdin, the goddess created ancient machines known as Ancients, but they turned on their creator. It's been at least twenty thousand years now, and we Celdinians are given a long life, but soon, it will fade. If Celia isn't rescued, then we will all slowly lose the blessings of the Dark Star, and Celdin will be gone.

Legend must be saved...Celia created the Legend Sword in the hope that one day, a hero may pull it.

How does someone pull the Legend Sword? Clearly, I tried, and it almost killed me!

Before Sirrina could answer, Goddess Celia spoke to them both in a smooth echoing voice

Damien and Princess, you must go to each palace around the land and awaken them to gain power. If you can do this, then you can overcome the killing curse of the Legend Sword. Overcome the Hero trials!

(clenching his fist)
I'm willing to do that

Good...I believe in you, Damian. Let the princess also guide will surely save this land

We will not fail you, Goddess

As this was happening,deep in the throne room of Celdin Castle, an ancient massive spider looking figure approached a huge unseen figure that loomed in the shadows. It had blue lights all across its body and metal tentacles that helped it walk on all fours.

The Ancient
(Deep and autonomous voice)
There have been reports of a young man making rounds from an ancient cave. It seems they have made their way to Malator Village.

The figure
(Laughing deeply)
Celia has awoken the person that she thinks will awaken the palaces, a hope.

The Figure
Celia still holds on to her dear Celdin...well... I shall handle this quickly.

The Ancient
Shall I awaken the others?

The figure
Yes! Let us crush Celia's hope before it even sprouts!

The figure laughs, its deep laugh echoing against the stone walls.

Legend Of The Dark Star: Hope Of The Goddess Where stories live. Discover now