Chapter 5

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As the phone rang they saw the new land. Alex turned off the phone.
Melman said "Oh my... Whoa!"
Gloria asked "Am I trippin'?"
Marty said "All those zebras... like me. Wait a minute, where are we?"

Melman said "San Diego. This time I'm 40 percent sure."
Alex said "I know this place."
Marty said "I think it's Africa.
Melman asked "Africa?"
Marty said "It's got to be. Our ancestral crib. It's in our blood. I can feel it!"
Alex said "No, it's more than that. It's like...déjà vu, like I've been here before."
Marty said "It's like Roots!"
Alex said "No, it's like...déjà vu, like I've been here before."

Alex then talked to some animals "How! How! Me Alex! Me and me friends fly, fly in great metal bird. Then plummet! Smash ground! Go boom! Then here we emerge. We offer only happiness and good greetings."
Hippo asked "Is he mentioning about a plane crash?"
Alex replied "Yeah. We just... yeah. I thought... Sorry."
Giraffe asked "You mean you came from off the reserve?"
Alex replied "Yeah, way off. From the Central Park Zoo, actually."

A loud roar caused the zoo animals to turn. It came from a male lion named Zuba. He coughed as he cleared his throat.
Florrie said "Don't strain yourself."
Zuba asked "What's going on here? What's all this hubbub?"
Elephant said "They say they're from off the reserve."
Zuba said "That's impossible. Only people come from off the reserve."
Alex said "You look familiar. Do I know you?"
Zuba asked "How could you possibly survive the hunters?"
Gloria said "Hunters? We didn't see any hunters." Garfield said "Yeah the only humans we saw are from the zoo."

Zuba asked "What are you looking at?!"
Alex replied "Me? Nothing."
Zuba said "This watering hole doesn't need any more mouths to feed. So skedaddle back to wherever you came from."
Alex said "Okay. Well, Is there a manager we could talk to?"
Zuba said "Oh, I see. You're here to challenge me!"
Alex said "What? No! No."
Zuba said "Well, that's what it looks like to me!"
Florrie said "Zuba! Wait."
Zuba said "I'm trying to take care of business..."

Florrie said "Yeah, yeah, Zuba. Hold on. Alakay? Is that you?"
Alex said "No, it's Alex. lx. Like New York Knicks."
Florrie then noticed the mark on Alex's paw "Zuba, look!"
Alex said "Oh. I've always had that. The vet checked it out. It's kind of a beauty spot, really."
Zuba said "A mark."
Alex said "All right, this is a little weird."
Zuba said "Honey, he's come home."
Alex asked "What?"
Zuba said "You've come home.
Alex looked at the marks on their paws "Whoa!"
Zuba said realizing his son is still alive "Son."
Alex said "Dad. Mom and Dad? Mom and Dad! Mom and Dad! It's my mom and dad! I got a mom and dad!"

They all hugged.
Florrie said "Our baby's alive!"
Marty mistakes Alex's father on being his father too "Dad!"
Zuba said "My son! My son is home!"
All the animals began cheering
Florrie said "Alakay! Alakay has come home!"
Makunga said "Whoo!! Whoo! Alakay! Yeah! The prodigal son returns. This is perfect!"
Teetsi yawned "I thought you hated Zuba."
Makunga said "No, I do. I do. I do. I hate him. Oh, I do. And I'm going to use Alakay, yes. I'm going to use him to get rid of Zuba once and for all!"

Julien said as they rode up riding flamingos "Giddy-up, feathered horse! Make way! "
Maurice said "Make way! Move out of the way! Stand aside!"
Julien said "New York! Hmm... It's a bit of a dump. Are you sure we're not in New Jersey? Hello, New Yorkers! Your new king is here!"
Zuba said "This calls for a celebration!"
Julien said "Maurice, I think they like me."
Maurice said "You've got to love a non-hostile takeover!"

Garfield in Madagascar trilogy Where stories live. Discover now