Chapter 12

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Zuba was pouting on a rock.

Florrie asked "You going to mope around like this all day?"
Zuba said "Hmph."
Florrie said "Don't "hmph" me. Listen, Zuba. A miracle happened. Our son has come back to us. How come that is not good enough for you?"
Zuba asked "What are you saying, woman?"
Florrie said "We lost him once, Zuba. Let's not lose him again."
Makunga pretended to be panting "Zuba! Zuba!"
Zuba said "Get out of here!"
Florrie asked "What do you want, Makunga?"

Makunga said "It's awful. The watering hole is dried up."
Zuba said "DRIED UP?!" He growled "That's impossible!!"
Makunga said "There's nothing left!"
Zuba said "Well! You're alpha lion, Makunga. What are you gonna do about it?"
Makunga said "Your son, Alakay, he said he could fix it. He's gone upriver."
Zuba said "Off The Reserve?!"
Florrie said "No!"
Makunga said "Even with his friend. I tried to stop him! I told him it was suicide, but he was determined to prove himself to you!"
Zuba said "You stay here, in case he comes back! I'll get Vic!" He then ran off.
Makunga said "Hurry, Zuba! I'm so parched." He coughed

In the woods, Alex and Marty go to look for the clog.
Marty asked "Is this place starting to freak you out?"
Alex replied "We'll slip in, find the problem. Hunters will never know we were here."

Marty asked "Why are we doing this?"
Alex replied "Look Marty, maybe my dad will think I'm... I just want to show him I'm a real lion."
Marty asked "As opposed to a chocolate lion."
Alex said "Shh. I know this may sound hard to believe; but apparently, lions don't dance."
Marty and Garfield asked shocked "WHAT?!?"
Alex shushed them "As far as my dad is concerned."

Marty said "As far as people are concerned, you're a huge hit."

Garifeld said "Yeah people love you."
Alex said "That was New York. This is Africa... it's much tougher crowd. Marty! Marty, this is it! This is the clog! Come on."

They climbed up the dam.
Marty said "Well, there's the water."
Marty drinks some of the water. While Marty is drinking the water, Alex notices Nana
Alex said "Marty, stay down. Look at that."
Nana said "Knit one, purl two."
Alex said "It's her."
"Is this right?"
Nana said "Very good."
"Nana, slow down."
Nana said "You're a little tangled, aren't you? No, don't pull. I'll do it."

The three got down scared.
Alex said "We need dynamite. Got any dynamite?"
Marty said loudly "Oh, snap! I just used my last stick this morning!"
Alex tells to quiet down, but an arrow hits the fruit hat of shame.
Marty shouted "Savages!"
Alex said "Evasive maneuvers!"
Marty shouted "Serpentine, serpentine!"
Alex said "Squiggly squid maneuver!"
Marty said "Zag, zig-zag, zig ziggy zag!"
Alex said "No, no! Squiggly squid!"
Marty said "Etch A Sketch! Etch A Sketch! Etch A Sketch!"
Alex said "That's too complex! Octopus, octopus!"
Garfield said "Those are way too confusing! Just run!"

Then Alex and Garfield got caught in a snare trap.
Marty shouted "Alex! Garfield."
Alex shouted "Run, Marty!"
Marty said "Come on, I can't leave you here!"
Alex said "Go get help! Squiggly squid maneuver! Go! Go! Squiggly squid!"
Marty screamed "ETCH A SKETCH!!! ETCH A SKETCH!!!"

The camera changes to the volcano where Melman is about to go into the lava, but he is looking to the deep of the volcano "OK. OK, OK, OK. OK, here we go. OK, OK. Here we go! Here we go!"
Joe asked "What's all the hoopla about?"
Giraffe asked "Joe?"
Giraffe 2 said "Joe the Witch Doctor? We thought you were dead!"
Joe said "So did I. Then I realized I'm covered in brown spots."
Giraffe said "So, Melman's not dying!" He suddenly realizing the truth "Melman's not dying!"
"Oh, no!"
Gloria said "Excuse me! Melman!! Move! Don't do this! Julien, stop this! This is crazy!"
King Julien said "Oh, suddenly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water is crazy!"
Gloria said "Yes!" She then got close to him "Please, Melman! STOOOP!!!!"
Melman asked "Gloria?"
Gloria said "You can't do this! "
Melman asked "Why not?"
Gloria said "Because...Oh!"
But as she could finish, she trips which causes cracks to come out, Melman is shocked at what he's seeing, he runs up, but begins to fall. Gloria stops him from falling
Gloria said "You can't do this, Melman."
Melman said "First of all, that hurts. Second of all, I've only got 18 hours to live, anyway."
Gloria said "Melman, I gotta know...did you really mean those things you said about me?"
Melman said "Of course I did."
Gloria said "That's crazy."
Melman asked "It is?"
Gloria said "It's crazy to think I had to go halfway around the world... to find out that the perfect guy for me lived right next door."

Garfield in Madagascar trilogy Where stories live. Discover now