Chapter 10

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Melman said "Saw. Suture. Swab. You're in my light, Stephen."
Stephen said "Ooh! Say, you've got a brown spot there on your shoulder."
Melman said "Yes, that's very observant, Stephen. As you can see, I'm covered in brown spots. OK! That bone will be good as new in a few weeks.
Timo: So I don't have to pick out a dying hole?"
Melman said "No, Timo, you got your whole life ahead of you."
Timo asked "Really?"
Melman said "Go out there and grab it by the horns!"
Timo said "Thank you, Dr. Mankiewicz!"
Melman said "Break a leg! Sweet kid."
Stephen said "Um..." he cleared his throat "This spot looks like Witch Doctor's Disease."
Melman scoffed "Witch Doctor's Disease? That's the most ridiculous disease I've ever heard of Stephen. Whoa!"

Elephant asked "Don't ask."
Melman said "Someone's been knotty." He chuckled "Okay. This won't hurt a bit."
Giraffe said "Joe, our last witch doctor. He had a spot just like that."
Melman said "Mmm-hmm. And?"
Giraffe said "Monday, Joe. Wednesday, no Joe."
Melman asked "Wednesday, no Joe?"
Melman fixes the elephant's nose
Elephant said "Oh, I can breathe! Thanks, doc!"
Melman asked "So, this Witch Doctor's Disease is a real thing?"
Giraffe said "You'll find a cure. Hey! You've got at least 48 hours!"

Melman said "But I've never even heard of it. I mean... I don't have any penicillin. I'm gonna need a CAT scan just to get started!"

Giraffe said "We'll have a lion look you over. They'd be happy to."

Marty does the water challenge like he did in the first film, spits out water, and sprays it all over the zebras. "Ta-da!!"
"He has talent." "Stupendous and tremendous." "Hollah!"
Marty said "Bet you've never seen that one! Knocked 'em dead in New York!"

"Hey!" "Let's all give it a try!"
"Let's do it!"
Marty said "Well, you can try all you want to, but it's gonna takes years of practice. And you'll never gonna quite get a tight stream until you build up your lip muscles to the point where you can purse your lips like this. You got it?"

The zebras do the same thing like Marty did, but there was more water, which made Marty scream and knocked him over "Ta-da!"

Marty got up "How did you? You guys got it right out of the box!"

"If you can do it, we can do it."
"It's in our blood!"
Marty said "I always thought I was a bit unique."
"We are unique!"
"Hey! We are like a force of nature!"
"A million points of light!" "And dark stripes!" "Exactly the same!"
Marty said "Exactly the same."

Skipper looks over the blueprints "Looks impressive, Kowalski, but... will it fly?"
Kowalski said "Yes. If we fold it here, here and here." He made a paper airplane then he made  it fly
Skipper said "Nice."
Alex said "Oh, man. My dad thinks I'm a total loser. I've ruined my parents' lives."
Zebra said "That is definitely not crack-a-lackin'."
Alex said "It is lackin' in the crackin', my friend. I've gotta fix this."
Melman said "So....there's... There's something I gotta tell you."
Gloria said "Hey, guys. Is this place great or what?!"

Alex said "I'd go with "or what.""
Gloria said "Oh Well, I'll tell you what. You're not gonna believe it, but... Ha! I got a date with Moto Moto." He chuckled.
Melman asked "Who's Moto Moto?"
Gloria replied lOh, he's so big and handsome and big! You know what "Moto Moto" means?"
Melman asked "Twins?"
Zebra said "It means, "Hot Hot.""
Melman asked "Hot Hot"?
Gloria asked "OK. When did you start parlez-ing African?"
Zebra said "It's in my blood."
Melman said "Don't worry, you can flirt around with Mr. Hot Pants after I'm gone."

Gloria asked "What's the deal Melman? Why am I the parade and you're the rain?"
Melman asked "Why do you have to drive your parade under my rain?"

Garifeld asked "Where is this coming from?"

Gloria said "Maybe I'll just parade myself in another part of town!"
Alex said "Whoa, guys. Guys!"
Melman said "Fine by me by the way. Main Street's mine!"
Gloria said "Well, you can have your old stinking main street!"
Melman said "And you can take your hotee-tot float and your Mr. Hotee Moto Moto..."
Zebra asked "What are we talking about?"
Alex asked "Melman, why don't you just tell her?"

Vic said "Yeah what's this about?"

Melman said "You tell her?! What? Tell her? What are you talking... I don't know what you're talking about."
Gloria said "So I guess I'll go, then."
Melman said "You know what? Don't bother."
Gloria said "Well, don't get up on my account."
Alex said "Melman! Gloria!"
Zebra said "Hey! I-I thought you guys were friends!"
Alex said "Come on guys. Marty's absolutely right."
Zebra asked "Marty?"
Suddenly, the real Marty shows up.
Marty asked "Marty?"
Alex asked "Marty?"

Garifeld asked "What? Okay this is hurting my brain."
Marty asked "What the heck is going on?"
Alex said "You're not? Oh! He was... No! I thought he... You're not him. He's... Oh."
Marty asked "You thought that guy...was me?"
Alex said "No, no! No! I mean, yes! Yes, you do... Guys, come on."
Zebra asked "You thought I was him?"
Alex said "You guys kind of do look a little... You look a lot alike. Marty, you look a lot alike. Come on! You laugh alike. You talk alike. He has the same sort of speech pattern. I mean, it's a little weird, really. You guys are... I mean, come on. Marty."

Marty said "So, you're saying there's nothing unique about me. I'm just like any other zebra." Alex said "No. Of course you're different!"
Both asked "How?"
Alex said "Okay! OK, I can't tell you apart. Maybe you could wear a bell or something? I don't know."
Marty asked "A bell?"
Alex said "OK, not a bell. No, bell's a bad idea."
Marty said "No, no, no! How about a T-shirt that says, "I'm with stupid!"?"
Zebra asked "I'm not stupid?"
Marty said "Not you, stupid! Him, stupid!"
Alex said "You know what? While you've been off doing the prancing pony with your new posse, I've been having pretty much the worst day of my life. Okay? "
Marty sighed "It's always about you, isn't it?"
Alex said "My problems are just a little bit bigger than yours, Marty. Alright, I couldn't tell you apart. So what?! Yeah, fine. Run away, Marty! Run away! That's what you do best! Just like back in New York!"
Marty said "I'm right here. But you can't tell that, right?"
Alex groans in frustration, mistaking the two zebras)
Marty said "Your one-of-a-million friend hopes you enjoy your bigger-than-anyone-else's problems alone!"
Alex said "Good! Leave! I don't need you to help solve my problems! You know what, you're a dime a dozen, I can't tell which one's Marty! Oh, which one's Marty? Wait a minute, wait a minute, oh, yeah! I don't care!"
Zebra said "Nice hat, you showoff!"
Alex said "Marty.....don't go."

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