Chapter 7

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The monkeys showed Caine the gems. Caine chuckled. Then they shook hands "You have a deal, mi amigo. I am sure this circus will bring us great success! I guess this is good luck!"

Caine walked to the front of the train. The gang were waiting for news. The monkeys showed the partnership paper.
Melman asked "What do we know about owning a circus?"
Alex said "Nothing. But it's our only shot at getting home."
Skipper said "You better know what you're doing. You're risking Private's community college fund."
Private said "I'll never be president!"

Together the penguins then ran the train.

King Julien and the other lemurs went to a stage car. Julien sniffed it then said "Hey, this is not first class." They saw a broken tire swing and freaked out.
Maurice said "Definitely coach." They saw scratches and scary instruments.
Mort sang "La la la la la la la..."
King Julien flicked mort on the head "Mort! Stop it!"
Mort laughed "Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee..."

They stepped on something then they saw a fish bone. They freaked out. As they saw red eyes in the dark. It got closer to see a bear riding a bicycle.

Julien looked at her with loving eyes. The bear began scratching her back. Then got a fish then ate it. She was about to finish the head then saw Julien.

King Julien said "Hey, gorgeous. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a supermodel? Albeit a fat, hairy one who smells." Julien was then grabbed then was put onto her back "You have a very hairy back. l like that in a woman."

Julien laughed as Maurice and mort looked confused.

Back at the plane crash. The police couldn't take it.

"That's it! I'm going in."
"Stop! It's too dangerous! Don't be a hero!" Then when they went to the plane they became slipping on banana peels.

Dubois saw Garfield's and Alex's paw prints then licked them "Cat. 43 years old in human years. Maybe two. 27 pounds. Lion. 12 hours old. Two hundred and fifty kilograms." She took out the hair of Alex "Glossy mane. Too much conditioner." She saw the police that were slipping "Stupid bozos!" She sniffed their scent then she saw what they did "Hello, kitty! So, you ran away with the circus. What a cliché." She put on lipstick then rolled under a train then jumped into it.

Skipper said "What a dump! If they want to attract a decent sports team, they should bulldoze this rat trap and invest in a new arena."
Alex said "The Colosseum, Marty! The original theater-in-the-round. You know, my ancestors used to perform here."
Marty said "No kidding!"
Alex said "Yeah. Every show had a captive audience. Apparently, they killed."
Marty said "Sounds like a great gig!" They walked into the tent
Stefano said "Trenta minuti, everybody! Trenta minuti!"
Marty said "This is so exciting!"
Alex said "Remember, we just lay low. Stay out of the way. Let them do their thing."
Marty said looking at the dogs "Aw... Would you look at this? You gotta go back in your momma's belly, 'cause you're too cute to be out here in the real world."
Freddie said as they got out weapons "Oi! Naff off, you muppet!"
Marty freaked out "Whoa! What the...?"
Alex said "Marty, they're professionals. Come on."
Marty followed the circus horses "Whoo! You look gorgeous!"

Garfield said "All right, animals! We may be your new owners, but we don't want to reinvent the circus wheel here, so just go out, do what you do! Just think of this as a fun warm-up for that promoter in London. Right, Marty? Mar-Marty?"

Marty was talking with the horses "I want to be a circus horse!"
Horse #1 said "We could paint you white!"
Horse #2 said "And then paint you pink!"
Marty said "Awesome!"
Alex said "Not laying very low, are we, Marty?"
Stefano said "Sonya! Where is the bear? Sonya! We're about to start!"

Garfield said "Hey, Vitaly! Got your game face on." Vitaly growled at him "Good game face. What is that cat's problem? "I'm a mean Russian cat who isn't nice to anybody.""

Vic and odie were balancing on a ball.
Melman said juggling "Hey, honey, look! Look, I'm doing it!" Garifeld said "Guys, stop fooling around." Vic caught odie when they got their balance back.
Melman said "We're just having a little fun."
Garifeld said "Let's let these animals do their show."

Marty said "Ta-da!" It showed him as a clown "Da-da da-da-da-da-da-da, circus! Da-da da-da-da-da-da-da, Afro! Circus Afro, Circus Afro, Polka dot, polka dot, polka dot, Afro!"
Garifeld asked "Really?"
Stefano said "Sonya! Where is Sonya the bear?!"

Garfield in Madagascar trilogy Where stories live. Discover now