The visitor

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Bumblebee lays on one of the concrete tables in Ratchet's lab as the doctor stands behind the scanning machine with Y/N ​​as he scans Bee. "We were on the moon and that's when I saw this thing...yellow beast?" Bee explains making an excited gesture, "I was watching us!", "Stay still," Ratchet orders as the machine continues scanning. "And I know it has something to do with the Allspark!" Bee continues to sit once the machine finishes and Y/N comes out from behind her. "What do you think it was?" "I don't know, Bee," Y/N says, rubbing the back of her neck. "A creature that lives on the moon? Sounds a little weird..." Y/N says. "I think it was a robot that got hit in the head!" Ratchet calls from behind the scanner, earning a glare from Y/N, "It wasn't a hallucination." Bee fights back. "I know what I saw." Y/N climbs up on the table and puts a hand on Bee's, "I believe you Bee- If you say you saw something, you saw it... even if it sounds weird" Y/N says "So, let's try to figure this out." . Bee smiles appreciatively and nods, "Uzi transmitted Optimus' speech with the help of the drones, did you see anything like that?" Bee asks. Y/N sighs in disappointment and shakes her head, "We were focused on keeping the feed going, so we weren't really looking at the background." Y/N explains. Bee nods her head in understanding before jumping off the table still standing next to her as Y/N stands up on the table so the two of them are almost at eye level with her. "Why don't we ask around?" Y/N asks, "If there's anyone who might know, it's Optimus," Bee says. Y/N nods and jumps to the ground and the two start heading towards the door. "Enjoy your futile search," Ratchet says as they walk out and Y/N pokes her head around the door. "Just for that reason I'm going to sneak in here and rearrange your tools Ratchet!" Y/N says before leaving. Ratchet just looked at the Duo who was leaving, he just sighed seeing that his beloved was leaving with Bee, he opened a drawer with a key he had, and took out a black bow, Ratchet sighed happily that Y/N forgot her bow that He stole from her when they were in the Ark, he smelled the bow smelling the scent of his Y/N, and smiled "Just a little more, a little more my Sweet Spark you will be in my arms~" Ratchet says still holding the bow

Y/N and Bee quickly find Optimus somewhere in the halls of the Ark and Bee tells him all about the moon creature. "If this creature has anything to do with the Allspark, we must find it," Optimus says before turning to the ship's computer. "Teletraan-X, help Bumblebee and Y/N on their quest." "Search? I'm very good at searches," Teletraan-X says excitedly as Optimus walks away, "What creatures live on the moon?" Bee asks. "Good question! And the answer is: None!" says Teletraan-X showing a big red X on the screen. "Not since the Aztec astronauts became extinct." "What are Aztec astronauts?", Y/N says in surprise. "What I saw was yellow with black spots." Bee explains: "Ooh! This fits your description! See..." Teletraan-X says showing an image "A banana!" "No, it's not that!" Bee says sounding frustrated, "This fruit could survive for a long time on the moon." Teletraan-X explains: "And you say I was watching you? Fascinating!" "" Bee says: "And they are surprisingly nutritious for organic life forms. There are over a thousand different varieties of banana, more than half of which have peel..." Teletraan-X continues. "He's really obsessed with this banana thing, isn't he?" Y/N whispers to Bee, who just sighs in frustration, "Come on, maybe Hot Rod can help," Bee says. The two walk off in search of the red Autobot, leaving Teletraan-X still rambling about bananas, and they finally find Hot Rod on the other side of the ship and Bee goes over everything again with him. "Yellow with black spots?" Hot Rod asks "Bee, I was right there. There was nothing," she takes a few steps before transforming and running down the hallway. "Well, that was helpful," Y/N huffs, crossing his arms, the two approaching several other Autobots and asking about the moon creature until they finally reach Arcee, who is playing video games on one of the ship's computers. . "Oh... A land creature with yellow spots. How is it?" he asks, taking a photo of her with a giraffe. "Sort of. But smaller," says Bee. Arcee then looks at some more photos until Bee stops her, "There! That!" Bee says excitedly pointing at the photo. "A cheetah?", Y/N asks confused and Bee nods excitedly, "Well, let's go look for it then," Y/N says and they both head off to Wheeljack's lab, "Wait, Y/N!" Arcee says. "What's wrong?" Y/N says confused, "A recount photo!" Arcee says happily, taking Y/N by her shoulder and taking a photo, "Done." "Well bye Arcee" Y/N says before leaving with Bee who was jealous, Arcee looked at the photo and smiled as she was happy to be back. Seeing his beloved, he captioned the photo, "Me and my girlfriend."

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