¡Megatron is my hero!

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(On Cybertron)

There was a silver robot with red eyes, fighting another red and black robot in the arena while the public applauded the silver robot, Then he transformed his hand into a metal ball with red spikes where he then hit the other opponent thus defeating him making the crowd applaud and shout towards the winner, "The winner and champion of all the great and powerful! Megatron!" Says the producer "Megatron, Megatron, Megatron!" says the entire public, "¡Yes!" says Bumblebee while high-fiving another purple Robot with a single yellow eye. "A Gladeator is alone in the arena against your opponent but I am never alone because I'll bring you here!" Megatron says, making the audience applaud louder

"Megatron is my hero!" Bee says happily after seeing the memory of the huge silver robot with red eyes fighting in the arena. "No! He's not your hero!" Windblade gives it away, floating towards him. "How can you say that?" Bee steps back, surprised by Windblade's hardness. "We've lost friends because of him. He's ruined everything we love and made someone worse than him." Windblade informs Bee: "Really?" Bee asks scratching the back of his head confused "But...In the arena, everyone loved him. And the way he took down that robot Whap! Bam! Wapow!" Bee says making fighting moves. "Yes, he was an incredible gladiator." Windblade says, "But that's not the whole story. Focus on Megatron. Try to remember." Bee puts her hands on her head and closes her eyes in concentration, bringing to mind Megatron giving an inspiring speech about uniting Cybertron as the Decepticons. The insignia rises behind him. "Did Megatron really make Cybertron a better place?" Bee asks somewhat skeptically once the memory ends: "No!" Windblade says "That's the opposite of what he did." "But he was a very strong leader." Bee defends "He said that a champion for all," "And many of us thought he was." Windblade agrees: "But that was a long time ago. Before anyone realized Megatron's thirst for power and control." "I just don't see how someone who wanted so much good for everyone could be so evil." Bee says confused "Even Optimus was with him!" He was, until everything changed." Windblade explains: "I need you to understand the real Megatron, to see the monster in which", "I'll try". Bee says, putting his hands to his head again and closing his eyes in concentration, bringing up a memory of him and Optimus trying to dissuade Megatron from his evil path, which clearly didn't work.while Optimus and Megatron argued Bee looked around the base where there were only Mechs and femmes that were once his friends but he only saw how all of them were going to follow Megatron's path, that was until he noticed where Shockwave was experiencing, he saw many large cages where when he saw him he felt who was going to vomit, he saw inside the cages there were drones that were his friends, but they looked different He saw how his visors, in their diadems It was once a white aurora that floated in their heads.there was five sections of lights along with a a black tail that ends in a large syringe along with bandages that were on his arms and torso and they were shaking like crazy where he realized that they had recently placed those things on him, Bee was shocked at what the Decepticons did to those drones, feeling disgusted and sorry, then he noticed in some cages He saw his beloved...Y/N He saw how she had the same thing as the other drones Bee noticed that that his beloved's legs were They were similar as if they were needles and painted black. Noting that he had bandages on his knees where blood was transferred, Bee saw that and felt angry and needed to take his beloved out of that cage but he couldn't because that would cause a fight "Megatron, but what did you do to these Drones" says Optimus looking at the cages but especially at Y/N wanting to protect him, "Nothing, just that Shockwave improved them" Megatron says smiling towards the cages where Y/N was, "Improve, they they are suffering!". "Actually, when I erase their memory, they won't be suffering, and it's what we should have done with them a long time ago, so that they can be the perfect machines of destruction," Shockwave says while stroking Y/N's hair, who was scared, " machines of destruction?" "What are you saying Megatron, they are not for that, they have feelings just like us." "Silence Optimus, I don't want your damn opinion on what to do with them, now get out if you don't want the war to start right now!" Megatron says angrily.As Optimus and Bee were leaving they heard something, "Shockwave, I told you to put this defective, useless Drone in a cage!" says Megatron angrily, "My lord, I put her in her cage as you asked me before, but even if, I don't know how she got out of her cage" says Shockwave, there Optimus and Bee looked at the drone, there they looked at a Worker drone wearing with a maid's dress with black stockings that reached her knees with black shoes with strange hair with two pigtails with a black bow, she was in a strange pose and where she looked at Megatron with her eyes... Neon yellow, "! He'll just take him to his cage again and now-!" When Megatron was going to continue to say the Drone decided to speak, ""They are not broken they have me".""We can no longer be thrown away." says the drone looking at him, "Maybe that little devil, he answered me. "Shockwave, take that useless girl to her cage!" a yellow bracelet with her designation,...Cyn...

"memory"Bee says while his face falls a little "I was very afraid of him." "Over time we all were," Windblade agrees. "But I don't have her anymore, well except for that yellow-eyed drone she looks scary even if she's small" Bee says. "Wait did you see Cyn?" says Windblade, "That little drone with the bow, who is she really?" says Bee still confused, "She is the leader...the leader of the murder drones, although she is small and seems harmless but she is dangerous, she fought against Optimus and Megatron" says Windblade while remembering Cyn, "You should be afraid of Megatron." Windblade says as his translucent form disappears for a second before reappearing in a different location. "Because?" Bee asks, "He was the one..." Windblade begins before walking away from Bee, "What?!" Bee asks "Show me!" "You don't need to relive that." Windblade says turning to look at Bee. “You don't even need to know about that,” Bee closes his eyes concentrating hard. "Megatron...Megatron!" Bee says as her mind spins, locating a specific memory, "Bee...no!" Windblade warns before the memory advances directly towards Bee and takes over "I'm sorry.".

For starters, the memory is pretty average, Bee does reconnaissance for the Autobots in a Decepticons lab. He is discovered by one of the smaller purple spider creatures below, setting off an alarm as everyone points at him, and he jumps out the window, falls to the road below, transforms into his vehicle mode, and runs off. He drives through the streets of Cybertron taking several turns, he saw in the alleys some Murder drones that were eating some Decepticons, watching how the drones take out his circuits and his spark while they ate them as if they were animals His eyes were no longer white, they were now yellow, he saw one of the drones...his dear Y/N, well what it was, he saw how she ate the spark of the Decepticon that she ate along with other drones, Bee drives making the Drones not notice. him and dodging the flurries of Decepticon seekers following him, he finally finds himself under an overpass to get away from the last seeker. Run to the other side of the underpass where a Decepticom runs towards him transforming and jumping on him grabbing him while he is still in vehicle mode. The Decepticon throws him and he bounces a few times before transforming and landing on the ground with a loud crash. The Decepticon approaches grabbing his arm causing him to scream in pain, then uses his stinger to freeze the Decepticon before heading back the way he came. A blue Decepticon comes out behind him and fires a sonic pulse causing Bee to crash, and the two Decepticons rush to grab him before he has a chance to transform and take it to its base.

"Mission accomplished," the tall blue Decepticon says pushing Bee to his knees and Megatron stands a few feet away with his back turned, Bee groans in pain before the purple Decepticon raises a hand about to hit him. "Leave us," Megatron orders, The Decepticon lowers her hands, looking at Megatron in confusion. "That?!" she asks: "This scout poses no threat to me" Megatron says. The two Decepticons walk away as Bee stands up, "You didn't bring me here just to push me off a building, did you?" he asks. "You show no fear." Megatrom says turning to face Bee with a sickeningly evil smile. "You would have been a good Decepticon", "A long time ago I took the decision to be with Optimus" Bee says "Yes..." Megatron says pointing to the ruined city in front of them "And look what your noble leader has done to our world", "This was your war! Optimus never wanted this." Bee defends. "Optimus had his chance. And this war cannot continue." Megatron says: "Then end this!" says Bee. "I will." Megatron says with a smile "The Allspark, which gave life to both the Autobots and the Decepticons and Drones will bring new life to Cybertron", "What?!" Bee says. "I will use Vector Sigma to reprogram the Allspark and create a civilization of Decepticons." Megatron says approaching Bee "Finally...They will all be one!","Optimus will never let that happen!" Bee shouts. "Optimus will never know, because you will never tell anyone what you have seen." Megatron says as he grabs Bee's throat, Bee groans in pain fighting Megatron as he forces his hand into Bee's larynx, and Bee screams in pain until it is released, leaving him mute.

Bee and Windblade leave his mind. The two look around and notice that Y/N was sitting on the floor painting, "Wow, you're back, so tell me what memories you found in Bee's mind" Y/N says excitedly towards the two, but Bee was looking at Y/N. N, not forgetting how in her memories how she ate the spark of a robot as if it were an animal, also that she saw how she had to suffer at the beginning of the war being an experiment rat along with other Drones, "We tell you, how it was before" Bee says in a whisper to Windblade, "No, it's better that she knows what she was like before she was an Autobot and suffered it with you, Bee" Windblade says looking at Y/N

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