Dweller of the deep

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“Okay, looks like we’re good to go,” Ratchet says as he adjusts the Energon drip attached to Windblade. “I’m going to connect the tracker.” Chromia says pressing a button on the scanner. “The transfer should start in three… two… one.” All the shards fly out of the device straight towards Windblade. “We did it. It worked,” Chromia says happily. “We’ll find the last two shards and Windblade will be good as new!” Bee says hopefully, “Yeah!” Y/N says happily giving Chromia a hug. Suddenly the ground starts to shake almost knocking them to the ground, and a piece of the wall breaks off sending everyone to the ground as a massive blue shark flies up and grabs Windblade in its mouth. “NO!” Bee yells as the shark flies away. “Windblade!” Chromia, Bee, and Y/N jump into a scout ship following them. “This is where we lost their signal.” Chromia says as she pilots the ship over an ocean of purple fog, "The Argon Sea? Great." Bee says in frustration, "No one even knows what's down there." "The scanners aren't penetrating the gases. We need to get in." Chromia says as she pilots the ship beneath the fog, "The creature that took Windblade must be around here somewhere." Bee says looking through the fog. Eventually the fog breaks giving way to what looks like the ruins of an ancient city as a group of strange creatures fly around, "I had no idea anything lived here! It's beautiful." Bee says as Chromia follows the creatures deeper into the sea. The three continue on for a few moments, "I wonder..." Bee begins, "Look! There it is!" he points to the right where the shark flies by. "Let's go get them!" Chromia says as she pilots after it, and they follow it through the structures until it finally runs into some and sends them crashing right into the ship. Chromia moves away from the falling debris and continues after it into the fog. “It tried to crush us!” Bee says in shock. “I have a feeling we better find Windblade. Quick.” Chromia says they need to dive back after the shark, and a few minutes later Windblade’s face appears begging for help. “Windblade! Where are you?” Chromia asks worriedly. Windblade suddenly disappears. “Where did it go?” Bee asks. “It must be further down.” Chromia says, and the ship is hit several times by some strange flying creatures. “They’re not very friendly down here, are they?” Chromia says sarcastically. She then tries to shake off the creatures as they dig into the ship and hit a bunch of electrical units. “Shields failing!” Bee warns as the ship stops and the protective field shuts down. “Shields down!” Chromia warns and the creatures return and hit the ship again knocking the three of them to the ground. The creatures fly away as the shark flies towards the ship smashing cracks in the glass shield, a piece flying out and slicing Y/N’s cheek. Bee walks over and brings a hand to his cheek inspecting the damage before turning with a glare at the shark, “That’s it! I’ve had enough!” Bee says angrily as he heads out the door towards the exit. “Bee! Are you crazy?” Chromia calls, “Yeah,” Bee says from outside the ship. There are a few footsteps on the roof before Bee flies out the window towards the shark, “What’s it doing?” Y/N asks confused. “Don’t look at me,” Chromia says healing her wound, Bee uses her stinger on the shark and freezes it. The two fall and the shark hits the ship as Bee falls and hits a piece of a structure before falling underneath more purple mist. "Bee!" Chromia and Y/N yell worriedly, "I'll be right back," Y/N says dangerously stepping out onto the ship. Y/N wraps the shark in chains, drags it inside the ship and hangs it from the ceiling. Chromia pilots the ship to where Bee fell, "Bumblebee, get in." She says through the communicator, "Bumblebee, where are you?" with a frustrated sigh. "How dare you tie me up here like some lowly opportunist!" the shark says, "How dare I?!" Y/N asks angrily. "You took our friends and attacked my ship!" Chromia says walking up to the two, "I didn't! How ridiculous!" the shark says struggling against the chains "I am Hammerbyte. Guardian of the Argon Sea. I protect everything within it." Y/N takes a step back in surprise and suddenly remembers Cheetor, "Well, you're just making a scrap job out of it." Chromia says letting go of him and he transforms. "Nice crown." "How did I get here?" Hammerbyte asks looking around. "Where's the Dweller?" "The what?" Chromia asks. "The Dweller of the Deep." Hammerbyte says, "After all these cycles, something has awakened it. I went to confront the Dweller when suddenly, I only saw darkness and then I... I uh... I don't remember.", "What is this Dweller?" Chromia asks, "The what?" Chromia asks. "The Dweller of the Deep." Hammerbyte says, "After all these cycles, something has awakened it. I went to confront the Dweller when suddenly, I only saw darkness and then I... I uh... I don't remember it.", "What is this Dweller?" Chromia asks. "The Dweller is an ancient evil at the bottom of the Argon Sea." Hammerbyte explains, "And it is my duty to make sure it stays in the Deep." Chromia gasps walking to the window. "You mean down there?" she says worriedly. "Where did Bumblebee just fall?" "How unfortunate." Hammerbyte says before Chromia flies all the way behind Bee. "Welcome to the Deep." She says as they fly beneath a blue mist. "The Dweller is vast. It's everywhere beneath us now." "What is that...?" Chromia asks showing a video camera of the outside and seeing a familiar yellow robot. "Bee!" Chromia and Y/N say happily, "He's waving at us. Strange." Hammerbyte says before Bee jumps into a hatch in the floor.

Chromia lands the ship and the three of them run out, "Bee went in there!" Chromia says pointing at the hatch in the floor. "We need to be extra cautious. Everything here is part of the Dweller's domain." Hammerbyte warns, "Let's go in." Chromia says as she and Y/N jump off. The two of them land in a hallway with a bunch of tentacle looking things coming down from the ceiling. "No sign of Bee..." Chromia says looking at her tracker as a thud alerts them to Hammerbyte arriving in the hallway, and suddenly he charges at them knocking them back a few steps. "Why are you doing this?" Chromia asks worried, "The Dweller must have gotten a hold of him again." Y/N points out. Chromia kicks him to the ground, transforms and runs off as Y/N jumps off, Chromia runs down the hallway and finally runs into Bee who just stands there staring into nothing. "Bee!" Chromia and Y/N say happily walking over, "There they are. We need to-" Chromia says as Bee turns around with glowing purple eyes. Y/N takes a step back, "Flame Lady!" Chromia says. Bee charges at them and Chromia flips him onto the ground transforming and running back to Y/N. "Bee is after us!" Y/N warns seeing him transform and fly after them. Chromia turns down another hallway making a U-turn as Hammerbyte comes flying towards them, and Bee comes out of the other hallway forcing another one down. "Scrap!" Chromia says following the hallway into a huge room. Chromia transforms and they both gasp in shock seeing Windblade's body floating several feet in the air as it spins around, "Welcome new citizens." Windblade's body says in a different voice. "Windblade!" Chromia says worriedly, "It's long overdue for new citizens to repopulate my body." The Dweller speaks through Windblade's body. “Citizens to repopulate your body?!” Chromia says confused. “You’re a Titan!” “Another Titan?!” Y/N says shocked. “Yes. This City Speaker’s Psychic Fragment woke me up. She was incomplete… like me. I had Hammerbyte bring her body back so I could make her whole again. Now she’ll make me whole again.” The Dweller says through Windblade, “That’s the creepiest thing I’ve ever heard.” Chromia says and Y/N nods. “With the power of my City Speaker, soon everyone will become my citizens.” The Dweller says, “Yeah. That’s not going to happen.” Chromia says. “Seize them!” The Dweller orders and the two turn around to see Hammerbyte and Bee at the door. They run towards them and Y/N confronts Bee while Chromia deals with Hammerbyte. Eventually the two trip Bee by using their stinger to freeze Hammerbyte and himself and they both fall to the ground. Bee as he groans in pain as he sits up. "Y/N? Chromia?" Bee says confused as Y/N helps him up. "Windblade!" he says worriedly as he sees her floating in the air. "No citizen will escape." The Dweller says as a bunch of orange gas begins to fill the room. "It'll all be mine!" "Hammerbyte, grab Windblade!" Chromia orders. Hammerbyte transforms flying towards Windblade as Chromia, Bee, and Y/N head for the exit. Chromia and Bee transform as Hammerbyte grabs Windblade, and they all run towards the exit being chased by the orange smoke. They all run towards the ship and Chromia quickly flies it back to the surface. Just as the ship breaks through the purple fog it is grabbed by two giant claw arms. They all abandon the ship as it is dragged down under the fog. Bee and Hammerbyte carry Y/N, Chromia, and Windblade to land, and Hammerbyte walks over and hands Windblade to Chromia. "I apologize for what I did under the Dweller's influence. I must go." Hammerbyte says "The Argon Sea needs me now more than ever." "You know, you remind me a lot of a friend I once had." Y/N says giving him a tearful smile imagining Cheetor standing there with them. Hammerbyte blushes at the beautiful Drone in front of him, before transforming and taking off, the three of them are excited to have Windblade back when Hot Rod calls saying that everyone should gather around because Optimus has an announcement.

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