The prisoner

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"Hmm, Autobots on one side, Decepticons on the other. Just like old times," MacCadam says looking between the two groups. "But if you want to defeat the Quintessons, you need to come up with a plan. It might as well be over a friendly cup of Energon!" He says pouring two cups, "Why not?" Hot Rod says walking up to the counter. "Wait here". Soundwave tells Dead End and Clobber before walking to stand next to Hot Rod, "I have a plan." Hot Rod begins, "We defeated that Quintesson judge, Whirl will be on advanced reconnaissance. Clobber, Y/N and I will take an Autobot shuttle and board the Quintesson ship. But we'll need reinforcements. Soundwave, I know we've had our differences but... ". "We have no differences." Soundwave interrupts, "Okay! So..." Hot Rod says being interrupted again. "Because I'll be in charge from now on." Soundwave explains walking back towards Clobber and Dead End, "What?!" Y/N and Hot Rod say angrily. Hot Rod follows him, "You don't even know what's going on!" He points out. "I know you're not Optimus Prime." Soundwave says, "How!" Y/N growls walking towards them, but Hot Rod extends a hand to stop her. "If it weren't for me, you'd still be gaping at that parade!" Hot Rod says defensively, poking a finger in his chest, "Yeah. But you're out of use now." Soundwave says twisting his hand. Soundwave pushes Hot Rod back and is about to fire a sound pulse at him when he freezes and starts playing a familiar tune, "What?" Hot Rod asks confused. "Hey, that's the parade song!" Clobber points out, "Ooh, that's not good." Hot Rod says worriedly. "It's been failing since we found it!" Dead End says, "It scares me." Clobber says. Perceptor activates his scanner and runs it through Soundwave. "His behavior appears to be a result of him being incorrectly removed from the Loop." Inform. "Ugh, I hate this music!" Dead End growls as he moves in to punch Soundwave, causing him to unfreeze. "This is like what happened to Hound." Hot Rod points out. "The Autobot Hound? What happened to him?" Soundwave asks. "He never recovered from being eliminated from the Loop the way you did." Perceiver says. "Yeah, that's why we haven't been sneaking in and taking everyone out... It doesn't end well." Y/N says sadly, “We need to defeat Judge Quintesson.” Hot Rod says, "He did this to you. He did this to all of us." "Your plan is useless. It will take too long. I have a better plan." Soundwave says as he walks towards the city, "Do we have to follow him?" Clobber asks. "I will not leave". Dead End says: "Hot Rod, "He's in no condition to be out there alone," Perceptor says expectantly. The sound of a Quintesson begins outside. "Good." Hot Rod grunts as he walks towards the door. The sound stops suddenly. suddenly and Soundwave walks in with the unconscious Quintesson on his shoulder "Wow! "Look at that!" Whirl says excitedly. "You took down a prosecutor?!" Hot Rod asks in disbelief, "I'm going to interrogate this thing." Soundwave explains. "You can't question a prosecutor!" Hot Rod says, "Maybe you can't." Soundwave says, "But I'll make him tell me everything he knows." The creature suddenly stands up, letting out a loud screech and charging at the group, "I got it!" Clobber says slamming it into the wall and it falls back down. "What we need is to talk to a sheriff." Hot Rod says and everyone heads off to look for said creature. "That's a sheriff." He says pointing to one of the snouts that gives orders to the Quintessons. They wait a few moments before everyone flies away, "I think we should split up..." Hot Rod says and breaks off. "We divided ourselves into teams and pigeonholed them." Soundwave orders, "Uh, yeah. Let's split into teams. Whirl, you..." Hot Rod says, cutting him off again. "Autobot, you fly into the sky. Get ready to cover us." Soundwave orders, "Yeah, that." Hot Rod agrees. Whirl transforms and flies away: "You, with me." Soundwave says pointing to Clobber: "You two, stay still." He points to Y/N and Hot Rod. "I'm taking orders from Hot Rod." from you! —Y/N says angrily. “It's okay,” Hot Rod says, trying to calm Y/N down. Soundwave and Clobber move away so as not to hear them while they discuss something: —What is that about? —Maybe they're exchanging beauty secrets. Dead End jokes and Y/N laughs. —Y/N laughs and punches him and Hot Rod growls in annoyance. “You.” he gestures for Dead End to follow him and the two leave. "Good news! I can go with you," Clobber says happily, "Alright, let's do this," Hot Rod says and the three leave. A few minutes later, Clobber starts acting strangely: "I'm so sorry for you two. I really am. We're like friends." Clobber says annoyed. The two turn around confused: "What are you talking about, Clobber?" Hot Rod asks. “Is everything okay, Clobber?” Y/N asks, “I have to get you out, Hot Rod. And you too, Y/N. I don't want to, but I have orders.” Clobber says raising his powerful fists. "Is that what Soundwave was telling you? That's ridiculous!" Hot Rod says pulling Y/N behind him to protect her, as Clobber walks towards them, Clobber punches him causing him to crash into a beam. "Hot Rod!" Y/N shouts running towards him. "Thank you for being my friends, you two. Bye," Clobber says through tears, kicking them against the wall. The two moan in pain, "Clobber, we're friends!" Hot Rod shouts trying to sit up. "I know! This hurts me more than it hurts you!" Clobber says annoyed, "No, no! It hurts us more!" Hot Rod says as the two slowly stand up. Clobber attacks them and Y/N pushes Hot Rod out of the way by darting to the opposite side just before hitting them again.

"Clobber! Wait! Stop!" Hot Rod says dodging some attacks, "But I'm a Decepticon." Clobber says stopping his fist with his hand. "No, I mean STOP. Listen!" Hot Rod says, causing her to notice the noise a few blocks away. "Did you hear that?", "The parade song." Clobber says. "Soundwave. Disable us later. Right now they need our help." Hot Rod says and the three run off to help them find Soundwave failing and Dead End being attacked by the sheriff, "Wait, Smiles!" He transforms. "You're Hot Rod... Ugh," says the sheriff as he gets rammed by Clobber. He is knocked against the wall and falls unconscious, "So he froze again, huh?" Hot Rod asks helping Dead End up. "Yeah". Dead End says walking towards Soundwave and punching him, who just shuts down. "You know, we don't have to take Soundwave with us." "I hear you. Leave the arrogant treacherous music box here and let the Quintessons deal with him." Hot Rod says and Clobber and Dead End laugh in agreement. "That's not how Autobots do things." “Can it be just this once?”, Y/N asks earning a stern look from Hot Rod. "It's okay. It's okay." Y/N puts her hands in mock surrender. "I'm just saying it's an option." "I'll get him, boss." Clobber says pointing at Soundwave as a group of Quintessons fly towards them. "We'll take them away! Dead End, help Clobber!" Hot Rod says dragging Y/N behind him. and he shoots them as they chase them. The two eventually lose them on a side street. “Good, you’re back,” Hot Rod says as he and Y/N walk into MacCadams and see Whirl, Clobber, and Dead End. "Is Soundwave still unconscious?" Hot Rod asks as he approaches Perceptor. "He's conscious, but he was offline for much longer than before." Perceptor explains, "So he's getting worse. Where is he?" Hot Rod asks. "He's in the holding cells interrogating the prisoner. They told me not to interrupt him." Dead End says taking a gulp of Energon, "What?" Hot Rod asks angrily. He's about to run towards the holding cells when Y/N grabs his hand and gestures for him to follow him into another room. "Hot Rod, do you think we can really trust them after that little stunt Clobber pulled at Soundwaves' request?" Y/N asks, "You saw how hard it was for her. I doubt she'll do something like that again," says Hot Rod. Y/N nods, "It's okay. If you say we can trust them, that's enough for me," Y/N says and the two return to the lobby with the others and Hot Rod Rod runs towards the holding cells. Everyone They follow a few minutes later and walk in to see him avoid one of Soundwaves' attacks and kick him to the ground, causing him to miss again. "Yes! Good fight." Clobber says, "You have to tell me everything you know. Now." Hot Rod tells the sheriff. "As I kept telling him, I don't know anything." The sheriff says with his back to the group, "They have to know something." Hot Rod pleads. "No!" says the sheriff. "The only one who knows anything is the Scientist." "The scientist?" Hot Rod asks "Who is the Scientist and where do we find him?"


everyone was sleeping, Y/N was lying on the floor sleeping, that was until she felt someone tap her visor, when she opened her eyes, she saw Soundwave who was staring at her, "I need you to follow me" Soundwave orders as he guided her to another room, as they walked, "Soundwave, where are we going?" Y/N asks. "You'll see" Soundwave responds, that was until they went to another room, there Y/N saw a table but decorated with a plate with Energon paste and glasses. Soundwave took her hand and grabbed her chair indicating for her to sit, Y/N sat down while Soundwave went to her own chair, "Wow, this is-." "Amazing, yes I know, I did it just for the two of us, dear" Soundwave says while looking at her, he did it to conquer her, he loved her with all his spark, he almost hit Hot Rod when he noticed how close he was to her, His sweet spark was his, only his, that's why he thought if he gave a good image with this, he could be with Y/N. He also noticed how he treated Uzi, he also had her do his Sparkling, being a Cons they actually gave him good pay. , he could give the comforts to his family and his future Sparklings, they both began to eat the pasta, that was until when Y/N was eating pasta she felt how she was close to Soundwave's face especially his lips, they both realized that both They ate the piece of pasta, they both blushed.
"u- uh, I'm interrupting something" MacCadam asks as he looked at them, since he just went to get more Energon, they both turned their heads towards him, Y/N looked embarrassed while Soundwave looked at her. "Cute" he thought.

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