Awaken Sleeping Giants

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"We barely managed to stop Shockwave, Shadowstriker, and the Seekers from destroying this planet. But the Decepticon armada is still on their way. We need the rest of the Autobots. We need Optimus. We need to find the Ark," Windblade says turning to Grimlock. "You said you might have a way." "Oh yeah, about that. There's something I want to show you." Grimlock says walking towards the wall and pressing the autobot badge causing the room to start shaking. A door opens and everyone follows him into a dark room with a bunch of Cybertronian writing on the wall. "This is the world, as it was, the day the Ark crashed." Grimlock says pointing to a drawing on the ground. "A map of Pangea! What a great moment that was!" Teletraan-X says excitedly going to surround him. "Wandering the coasts, chatting with hadrosaurs. I can't believe it was only 65 million years ago!" "Grimlock, this is amazing!", says Windblade impressed, "Mondo rad!", says Bumblebee pumping his fists in the air, "But the question is...why?" "This map chronicles my arduous search for the Ark." Grimlock explains: "Sadly, my search ended when that cursed asteroid fell. All I managed to locate were fragments of our beloved ship." He leans down pressing a hand on the drawing causing it to glow blue "But it was so close, I could feel it in my circuits! The Ark crashed here in these swamps" Grimlock says. Teletraan-X scans the map, "Fantastic data! Very useful. But your conclusion is totally wrong!" says Teletraan-X. "That?" Y/N asks, “Tell me about it.” Grimlock says. "By compiling the locations of the Ark wreckage you discovered... along with the Ark's entry trajectory from the Teletraan-1 database, I conclude that the Ark crashed... Here." Teletraan-X says showing a pointer to the location, "Ha! Wow!" Bee says happily. "So we did it? Did we find them?" Y/N asks hopefully, "Of course that's where it was millions of years ago. Taking into account climate change, continental drift, and a multitude of other factors... The Ark is now buried in the Pacific Northwest!" of the United States!" says Teletraan-X. "Little drone, you are splendid!" Grimlock laughs patting the drone on the back, "Evil!" Bee cheers, one arm in a hug for Y/N and putting the other around Windblade. "Yeah!" Windblade cheers and everyone starts making hoops and shouting in excitement before heading to the venue.

"Attention, crew members. We are approaching Mount Saint Hilary," Teletraan-X says as he pilots the plane with Bee and Grimlock in the back. "This is where the Ark is buried," he pulls out a photo of a volcano. “Um, is that a volcano?”, Y/N asks cautiously, “Mount Saint Hilary is one of the many volcanoes that form what is called the Ring of Fire…” Teletraan-X says. then, out of nowhere, a loud bang is heard. Windblade flies next to the plane. "Seekers are coming!" he warns. "Making evasive maneuvers!" Teletraan-X says, turning sharply to the right and the searchers follow. They shoot a few times, but Windblade blocks them. She goes after them shooting before being knocked down by two seekers who jump on her. Then one of the seekers heads towards the plane firing some missiles, "Oh my god no!" Y/N screams as the missiles hit the engines on the left side causing the plane to spin out of control towards Earth. “We have to evacuate,” Bee shouts, and Y/N climbs into the back. Bee picks up Y/N and he and Grimlock jump out of the plane, Grimlock hits the ground first, turning into his dinosaur form and catching them as the plane crashes in a fiery explosion. "Grimlock save Y/N and Bumblebee! Grimlock, hero!" Grimlock says and after a few shaky breaths, Y/N says "You did it Grimlock, thank you!" Then Y/N kisses his dinosaur nose, leaving a dark colored lip mark on his nose, "B-b-Boo-no! Grimlock be the Hero to Y/N" Grimlock says blushing from the kiss, making him Bee becomes jealous and also wanting a kiss, before a group of seekers fly in and start shooting at them and Grimlock runs still holding the two. Two seekers fly away just as Teletraan-X floats up and Bee makes a baby cry, Y/N pats Bee "Grimlock doesn't like planes!" Grimlock grows and then throws Bumblebee and Y/N at them. Bee strikes a Superman pose, "Look mom, I can fly!" Once he reaches the seeker, he takes out his stinger, freezes it, while Y/N was on top of one of the seekers and uses her tail which stabs the seeker's wings causing him to crash to the ground, Bee makes a bullet of cannon back to Earth with a superhero landing. Grimlock and Teletraan-X take down another Seeker before Windblade finally catches up to the group.

"...but unfortunately, those ruffians have destroyed our transportation." Grimlock explains to Windblade what has happened. "Hello everyone, we need to get moving!" Teletraan-X says urgently floating towards them. "Now! Come on, come on, come on!", "Hey, now, slow down! What's all this fuss about?" Bee asks. Teletraan-X projects a video of Starscream saying that the armada is near Earth. "Let's go!" Windblade shouts running towards the volcano and everyone follows her. "The quickest way to get to the Ark is through these lava tubes." Teletraan-X says as everyone runs towards the base of the volcano and enters the lava tubes. A rumble outside the volcano causes Windblade to scream in surprise as lava begins to flow down the walls. “Is there any chance the Ark is still completely intact?” Grimlock asks stepping over the stream of lava and Y/N does the same. "There is a chance. A small one!" Teletraan-X says happily, “Yeah, that doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence,” Y/N says. "No matter how small it is, we have to continue." Windblade says before the ground cracks beneath them and they fall to the ground in front of a river of lava, "Big shortcut! We're almost there." Teletraan-X says as Windblade, Y/N, Grimlock, and Bee stand up dusting themselves off, "The Ark is right on the other side of this magma. Be careful!" The drone flies to the other side of the lava: "I've got it under control!" Bee says, pulling the blaster out of it and firing it at the ceiling, causing huge chunks of rock to fall into the lava like stepping stones. other side. “That's being genius, Bee,” Y/N says in amazement, smiling and looking at Bumblebee, who is arrogantly blowing on the blaster's barrel, “How ingenious, Bumblebee.” Grimlock complements him. Windblade's wings appear as he grabs Y/N, “See you on the other side!” Windblade says flying herself and Y/N to the other side with Teletraan-X. "Follow me, there's no time to waste!" Bee says as he and Grimlock jump over the rock and head towards Windblade, Y/N, and Teletraan-X. "This reminds me of the time..." Grimlock says jumping between the rocks as Bee reaches the other side "I explored the lithium caves beneath the acidic waste of Cybertron. I was crossing a gigantic pool of acid and just as I reached the other side...", suddenly the rock on which Grimlock jumps gives way and makes him fall into the lava. "Grimlock!" Windblade and Y/N shout as they all run towards the edge kneeling next to the lava and Windblade and Bee start to catch up to her, "No!" Teletraan-X says stopping them "That magma is over 1500 Kelvin! They will melt!" "There has to be something we can do!" Bee says in a Rocky voice, and a few seconds later, the robot dinosaur jumps out of the lava, glowing orange from the heat. Windblade and Bee move out of the way and Bee pulls Y/N next to him with a protective arm over her as Grimlock shoots fire out of her mouth making a hole in the rock. "Sweet Solus Prime!" Windblade yells, "Grimlock hot!" Grimlock says shooting another stream of fire "Apologies, my friends. I occasionally get a little angry when I tell stories of my travels." he reverts back to his robot form. "I'm glad you're okay..." Windblade says both she and Bee putting a hand on Grimlock's burning arm, "Ow! It's still hot!", "We should hurry! The scans indicate that the Ark has passed by here." Teletraan-X says and Bee and Y/N follow him through a tunnel with Windblade and Grimlock right behind. "The Ark..." Windblade says in amazement when he sees the gigantic yellowish ship, "We've finally found it!" Grimlock says happily. " Home Sweet Home!" Bee, "We did it, We did it!" Y/N says cheerfully, Bee hugs Y/N, who is joined by Windblade and then Grimlock, "Thank you, no crew!" Teletraan-X says as Windblade pulls him into the group hug.

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