Alien Hunt

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“Luna 3!” Bee says calmly looking at the scanner as she stands next to Windblade. “Chromia, I found another one of Windblade’s Psychic Fragments!” she calls out. “Luna 3? The forbidden moon?” Chromia asks, “Oh the forbidden moon that’s right.” Bee says shaking his head in disappointment. “You can go there anyway.” Chromia says popping out from behind the lab computer “You just have to know the right person. And I do.” She sends Y/N and Bee off to someone who supposedly knows how to get around dangerous planets, “Chromia are you sure he lives on this burnt out piece of junk?” Bee asks through the communicator flying towards what looks like a giant RV spaceship. “Yeah. And don’t worry he knows what he’s doing,” Chromia says the two sharing an unsure look before Bee knocks on the door. After a few moments there’s still no answer so Bee opens the door poking his head in, “Hello?” Bee calls out as the two walk in and the figure in the chair turns off the TV before facing them. “Hey! I’m looking for…” Bee starts looking at the memories in the room and at the robot in front of them and gasps in realization “Meteorfire?! You’re on Alien Hunt! I love Alien Hunt! The creepy places, the crazy aliens…” Bee’s fanboy “Hey what happened to your show?” He asks as the robot walks up to the counter drinking the last bit of Energon left in his cup. “I lost my partner. There’s no partner. There’s no program.” Meteorfire explains signing his name on the cup before tossing it to Bee “Here you go.” “Oh cool…” Bee says uncertainly “But um we’re here because we need your help. We’re on a mission to Luna 3” he explains. “We’re looking for a friend of ours that might be there.” Y/N says Meteorfire when I look at her she blushes. “The forbidden moon?” Meteorfire asks, "Do you know how to break a quarantine force field? Have you ever survived an encounter with an evil alien entity?" He walks over and pokes a finger into Bee's chest. "Do you know anything about the cultural intricacies of multilingual, trans-species communications?" Meteorfire asks. "No, I don't. But we need to get to Luna 3. And Meteorfire, you're the only one who can help us." Bee says, "You know, you're right. I'm in!" Meteorfire says. The three of them fly off the forbidden moon followed by Meteorfire's recording drones, "Welcome to Luna 3. The smallest moon of Cybertron. Not much is known about this forbidden planetoid." Meteorfire narrates as they approach and land on a force field control panel, "But it might be home to some of the strangest aliens in the universe." "We're not looking for aliens. We're looking for our friend Windblade." Bee says, and Meteorfire turns back to his drones. “This moon is quarantined. Impossible to access. Or is it?” Meteorfire says, “Bee, am I already worrying about him?” Y/N whispers to Bee who shrugs in equal confusion. “Worried? Calm down cutie, if anything happens to you I’ll protect you since I can’t let a cute little face like yours get ruined~” Meteorfire flirts towards Y/N. “Whenever you need to access a quarantined moon, simply open the generator panel, flip these switches and…” Meteorfire says following the instructions and hitting the panel pulling out some wires causing a hole to open in the force field. "Wow! Totally..." Oh." Bee says as Meteorfire leaps off flying towards the moon leaving the two behind "Okay!" He transforms flying himself and Y/N towards the surface. The two land following Meteorfire towards a building and Bee uses the scanner to pinpoint Windblade's location, "Okay, looks like Windblade is..." Bee starts to point in a different direction as Meteorfire ignores him and continues walking towards the building "Not over there. Hey!" The two run after him and find him playing on the computer inside the communications station. "The tracker says Windblade is on the dark side of..." Bee starts to get interrupted by a video playing "Impact? What impact?" "Exactly." Meteorfire says turning to his drones "Could it have been the impact of a scary alien crashing into this moon? "Could it be?" he asks the two. "I don't know!" Bee says in frustration "I just want to go find Windblade...", Y/N puts a sympathetic hand on his shoulder as he looks straight at the video screen in horror. "Huh? Shockwave?!" Bee says in fear, he screams in terror taking a step back before putting an arm in front of Y/N pulling her back as he takes more steps back. He eventually loses his balance and falls to the ground stumbling towards the wall, "Bee what's wrong?", Y/N says worriedly running up to him and kneeling beside him. "Shockwave is gone." Bee looks away in horror for a moment before letting out a bloodcurdling scream.

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