Fullmetal water park

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Luckily for you guys the school day was almost over and you, Ed, and Al walked home with Tamaki. After a few minutes you reached a huge mansion. It was beautiful.
"Woah, you live here!?" You ask in astonishment.
"Yeah, but it's not that amazing" Tamaki scratched the back of his head. You four all walked in only to be greeted by a bunch on maids. But Tamaki just walked in like it was nothing.
"Oh, master Tamaki brought some friends." A maid with long brown hair stated.
"Yes Kazumi, they will be staying here with us for a while." Tamaki gave you a wink.
"That's wonderful! I'll go prepare the guest rooms!" The maid now known as Kazumi, beamed.
"Well, I think it will be best if you enrolled at Ouran, that way if anything happens we will be able to help." Tamaki smiled.
" I guess that makes sense, but there is no way I'm wearing a uniform" you said as you crossed your arms.
"I don't think that will be a problem"
"Good, cause I refuse to wear a dress" you mumbled. You and the guys talked about all sorts of things. It was really fun, but as time dragged on the sun was setting. You all decided to go to bed and the maids brought you and Ed a change of clothes.
"Oh and by the way, the host club is going to Kyoka's family's private water park, do you want to come?"
You smiled and nodded, you have never been to a water part, because they didn't have any in Amestris.
"I would love too! I've never been before, I can't wait!" You said as you skipped up the stares and Edward and Alphonse followed.

~Next morning ~

you rushed downstairs to eat breakfast and get ready. You didn't know what to expect from a water park. All you know is that it involved water, parks, and it sounded like fun. You all got into Tamaki's limo and drove to the Ootri's private resort.
"Hey guys!" You waved to the other club members.
"Hi (y/n)" Haruhi waved back.
"(Y/N)-CHAN!!" Honey wrapped his arms around you neck and gave you a hug. You thought it was really adorable so you gave him a hug back.
You a Haruhi went to change into some swim suits. You wore a black bikini with (f/c) accents. Haruhi wore a cute pink one piece. It really suited her. As you were changing the twins came up behind Edward, handing him a water gun.
"Wanna play?"
"Nah, I'll pass." Edward pushed the toy gun away.
"Aww, that's no fun, boss wouldn't play either." The twins wined.
You and Haurhi walked out of the changing room, talking about the host club and how she was forced to join. The boys were all staring at you and Haruhi. The twins looked at each other, they smirked as they ran up to you.
"Hey (y/n) let's move to the U.S., get married and have 20 kids" Hikaru smirked as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
"Yeah, Haruhi! Let's have a double wedding with (y/n) and Hikaru!" Karou rested his hands on her shoulders.
"As if I would let (y/n) marry someone like you!!!" Edwards stood up and started shooting the water gun.
"And they would never marry you shady twins!" Tamaki added also shooting a water gun. But during this chaos, Edward accidentally splashed you face with water when aiming for Hikaru.
"Oh it's on now!" You grabbed the water gun that Hikaru was holding and hit every one in the face with the water. You were glad Riza taught you how to shoot with great accuracy. You were enjoying the water fight,but it was even better when Tamaki tripped and slid on his face. But apparently he hit something that activated the wave pool. A huge wave came towards honey, who was already in the pool. You dived in to save him. But you didn't realized it wasn't easy to swim with a metal body. You were still able to swim and grab on the honey right as the wave hit. You were washed away leaving the host club behind. You woke up to what looked like a jungle. You felt something on your arm. You looked over to see a snake. Out of the heat of the moment you chunked the snake into the nearest bush. You looked around and saw no one. You called out for honey but you got no response. All of a sudden you say a small boy swigging on a vine towards you. Be for you could realize what happened, you were swooped up in his arms. You were being carried by honey, while he was swinging
'How strong is this kid?!' You asked yourself.
You were set down on a tree, the view was amazing.
" how are we gonna get back?" You ask alone to on one in particular.
"I'm sure we will get out soon" he smiled.

Thanks for reading comment any ideas you have for the future, thanks

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