Is that a type of alchemy?

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Hey guys, so as some of you may have noticed I try to make every other title to a chapter related to fullmetal and the ones in between related to Ouran. If you have any ideas for other titles let me know! FYI: when I say 'the guys' I'm referring to Ed and Al. Also I'll be adding some other anime characters in here, just for fun. Thanks for reading (⌒▽⌒)/ see ya later

It's been 2 days since the water park incident, you and the guys have officially enrolled at Ouran academy. You are in the same class at the twins and Haruhi. And apparently you had to switch classes due to your intelligence, you had at least one class which each host club member. (Lucky you^.−☆)
The school day was coming into a end and you and Haruhi walked to the host club together since she was the only host club member in you last period. You opened the door to see the host club messing around in crazy costumes. You let out a sigh.
"So what's the theme this time?" You asked jokingly, not really wanting to know the answer.
"It is American jobs!" Tamaki beamed. He was dressed as a cop. To be honest it suited him.
"Umm, you do realize that there are cops in Japan too...right?"
"Yes, I know. But it's sounds more romantic, don't you think?"
"Whatever you say Tamaki."you sigh
Kyoya was also a cop, Mori was a waiter, Honey was a chef, and the twins were firemen. As you continued to look around the room to see even Ed was dressed up, you tried hard to hold back a laugh. He was dressed as a mechanic. He was just wearing a black tank and baggy pants with a tool belt. To be honest it was pretty ironic. Before you knew it, you were shoved into a dressing room. The twins handed you a matching outfit to Edwards. To be honest you felt like Winery. You had a (f/c) jump suit, you tied the sleeves around your waist. You had a black tube top and a (2nd f/c) bandana. Lastly you put on a tool belt. You walked out, and did a spin so the twins can see the outfit they chose for you.
" I like it" they said in unison.
"Hey you kinda look like Winery" Alphonse gave a small laugh.
"That's exactly what I was thinking" you smiled. The host club gave a confused look. "Winery is our mechanic, this is something she would totally wear." Ed said.
"So I guess we're hosts now?" You said changing the subject.
"Surprisingly, a few costumers have noticed you three and requested you"
Kyoka smiled.
" I guess that makes sense" Honey said. You walked up to Kyoya and pinched his cheeks. Everyone's eyes widened.
"I told you not to do that!" You said as your revealed automail shimmered in the light.
"Uh, Kyoya?" Tamaki asked trying to break the tension. You and Kyoka were having a stare off, you were still pinching his cheeks. Then let go.
"Smile Kyoka, I like you better that way" you smirked over your shoulder.
The room was filled with an awkward silence. But it was soon broken by a knock on the door. A tall guy poked his around the door.
"Uh am I interrupting something." He asked nervously.
"No, not at all. Is there something you need."you ask sweetly.
"Well, um... I heard that there was a girl joining the host club... And I wanted to request her" he looked at the floor and scratched the back of his head. The boy had jet black hair and bright blue eyes that reminded you of the ocean.
"That would be me, I'm (y/n) (l/n). It's a pleasure to meet you."
"I'm Rin Okumara, it's nice to meet you too" his face lit up.
The twins came up behind you. You looked at them.
"I think that she should be the mysterious type" Hikaru said.
"Because we just can't figure out what's on her mind" Karou added.
"Whatever, I have a guest to attend to" you walked over to Rin and showed him to a seat. You talked to him your automail (claiming that is was part of your outfit) and school until another boy came. At this point the host club was as busy as ever. The new guest had spiky pink hat and onyx eyes. His name was Natsu Dragneel. You really liked his name it reminded you of a wizard for some reason. You really enjoyed their company. They were both full of energy. After Rin and Natsu left you were just hanging out with a book and a cup of 'commoner's coffee'. Until you were tapped on the shoulder by a young man, no older than you. He had crazy black hair and hazy dark grey eyes. He was wearing a baggy white shirt and jeans. For some reason he wasn't wearing shoes.
"Hello, my name is L" he spoke in a very monotone voice.
"It's nice to meet you, L" you smiled. You kinda like his awkward vibe for some reason.
You talked to him for about and hour or so. He was very interesting. He had unique point of view in politics and drama in the school. Honey brought over some cake for you and L. You thanked him as L eyed the cake hungrily. You just laughed and cut him a piece. He ate it happily. After about 30 minutes the club closed and you said good bye to L. He Said he would visit as much as possible. You smiled and nodded. You went to change into an over sized sweatshirt and some shorts you were so tired and you were having a super crash.
"H-hey Alphonse," you asked groggily.
"Uh yes, (y/n)" he replied.
"Can I ride on your shoulders?" You asked half asleep already. You didn't handle pure sugar to well. It was almost like you were drunk on it.
"U-um okay?" He put you on his shoulders.
"Woo! This is fun" you cheered was you Ed, Al, and Tamaki walked home (well Ed, Al, and Tamaki were walking you were still on Alphonse's shoulders)
"Is she okay?" Tamaki asked worriedly.
"Yeah she's fine. She just gets like this when she had to much sugar." Edward explained.
"On ward my noble steed!" You pointed forward. Alphonse sign as a sweat drop ran down his helmet.
"You're sure she's okay?" Tamaki asked again.
Edward gave an awkward look at his brother and you. "Honestly I don't know at this point. Do you know how much sugar she ate?"
"I think 3 cakes total" Tamaki sighed.
"Why did you give her 3 cakes!" Edward tried to remain calm.
"S-she said it was for her guests"
"I think she'll be fine after she sleeps" Alphonse said breaking the tension.
You were already asleep and starting to slip off of Al' shoulders. But he caught you in time.
"Here why don't you hold her Tamaki" Alphonse handed you to him. His face went bright red. You were being held bridal style by Tamaki.
"I could have easily carried her" Edward mumbled.
"But she's taller than you brother. It would have been hard for you" he tried to calm down his brother.
They continued to walk home. Tamaki put you in your bed. He smiled, you look so graceful when you were sleeping. He leaned in to give you a kiss on the forehead.....but that beautiful moment was shattered when Edward slammed the door open.(−_−;)Tamaki darted out of the room. But Ed grabbed him the the collar of his shirt.

"Where do you think you're going" Ed had an almost sinister tone in his voice.
"Uh, I-I'm going to bed" Tamaki stuttered.
"And what were you doing to (y/n)?"
"Just t-tucking her in" he choked
"be careful about what you do, I won't let you hurt her. She's been through too much already" Edward warned letting go of Tamaki's shirt.
"I don't want her to go through that kind of heartbreak again" he muttered.
"If you don't mind can you tell me what happened" Tamaki asked still a little shaken up about what happened
"It's not my place to speak for her, if she wants you to know, she'll tell you. But I will say, she is incredibly strong. Not just physically, but mentally. She's been broken so many times yet she sill manages to keep herself together" Edward looked at your sleeping body.
"I'll be honest, I don't even know her whole story, she tends to keep to herself, she puts other's needs on front of her own. She just wants everyone to smile, even if it means giving up her own happiness for the sake of others."
"Is that why she got upset when Kyoya wasn't smiling?" Tamaki asked.
"Yeah, Al and I promised ourselves that we would do everything in our power to make sure she is truly happy, after all that's what she did for us. When we met her, everyday was happy and bright" the two boys just looked at you sleeping peacefully. "Well, I've said too much already. Good night Tamaki" Ed seemed down when we talked about you and your past.
"Good night Edward" Tamaki replied.

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