Kiss kiss rescue friends!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

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You were chilling on a tree looking out on the water park with Honey. The park was quite beautiful, everything in this dimension was. You look over at Honey how was climbing up a different tree to get coconuts for some reason. He swung back over to the tree you were sitting on.
"Hey (y/n)-chan do you want some coconut milk?" He smiled.
"Sure, why not." You said. He handed you half of a coconut. You weren't sure how he cracked it open without stilling the liquid inside. But you drank it happily. It was surprisingly sweet.
"So honey, why are you in the host club? Aren't you a little too young?" You asked, that question has been bugging you ever since you meet the host club.
"Actually Takashi and I are the oldest, we are 3rd years" he smiled his regular adorable smile.
"What?!" You were so surprised that you almost fell off the tree.
"That means you're older that me, Ed and Al!"
"Yeah. I guess so" he chuckled.
You looked up to see a few rain drops fall. Wait, weren't you inside? You questioned yourself as you watched the rain start to pour. You didn't get hit by a lot of rain because your were being sheltered by the branches and leaves above you.
You and honey sat there enjoying the sound of the rain. It was so peaceful. You really enjoyed it here, but you knew you would have to leave. Amestris need you to help protect its people. You knew how hard it was to fight your opponent alone was. For god's sake they were artificially created human that could heal themselves. You need to get back, and soon. But for now you decided to enjoy your peace and quite. Before you knew it the rain stopped.
"Shall we go look for the others?" You asked standing up.
"That sound like a plan." You smiled "race ya! You smirked as you dashed of the tree limb and jumped to another like a spider monkey. He accepted your challenge and chased after you. This game of cat and mouse went on for a while until you stumbled upon Mori holding Haruhi. You gave honey a suggestive look and he laugh. All of a sudden a group of men wearing all black surrounded them, they pointed their guns at the two. Honey swung down in a vine and you followed. You clapped you hands and placed them on the ground. Two hand like masses erupted from the ground a caught 5 of the men. Honey was too busy beating up the others. You were quite impressed, he had skills.
"(y/n)?" Haruhi ran to you and hugged you. "I'm glad you're okay"
"I should say the same to you" you laughed as you broke the hug. You walked over to Mori and playfully punched him the the shoulder. "Good job protecting Haruhi, Takashi" you smiled as you kept walking feeling totally badass. Mori's eyes widened when you used his real name. Then a slight smile spread on his face. All of a sudden you were pulled into a tight hug by Ed and Al, you face heated up. But you were happy they were worried about you. You smiled and hugged them back.
"I'm glad you're okay (y/n)" Alphonse sounded relieved.
"I'm fine, it was actually kinda fun"
"Please don't scare us like that (y/n)" Edward rested his head on your shoulder, your face was bright red. You were worried that he would be able to feel the heat from you face.
"I- I'm s-sorry?" It came out as more of a question. But everyone just laughed at how differently you acted. A few moments before you looked like you were walking away from and explosion, and now you look like your were about to explode with embarrassment. Ed just laughed then turned to see the damaged you made. His eyes widened
"(y/n) since when can you do alchemy in this dimension?" He asked.
You looked over to see what you did and your reaction was the same as Ed's.
" I don't know. I just sorta did it." You walked closet to the creation. "Ed, Al, you try."
Ed clapped his hands and placed them on the ground. A small spear came from the ground. It was about half the sized of his normal spear that he fights with.
And Al made a hand appear. Once again it was smaller that usual.
"So we can use alchemy it's just not as strong" you said reversing the damage you made while Ed and Al did the same.
"Interesting" Kyoka was writing in his little black book again. But then he closed it and gave a fake smile.
"Okay let's head home"
everyone started twirls the exit, you stayed behind to talk with Kyoya.
" why do you do that?" You asked
"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean." He gave another fake smile.
"That! Stop doing that!" You pointed to his face.
"You mean smiling? If I did that, what kind of host would be?" He spoke softly.
"But you don't mean it." You said bluntly.
"You can really see right throw me, can't you?" He actually smiled this time, which made you smile too.
"See that's better, you look better when you truly smile" you laughed.
"You truly are something" he mumbled
"What was that?"
"Oh nothing of importance." He smiled again.
"I told you to stop fake smiling! Every time you do that I'm going to pinch your cheeks"
"I'd that so"
"Yup, so you better be prepared Kyoka Ootri!" You did a cheesy anime post as you pointed at him.
The rest of the day was fun you Ed and Al all talked with the host club and have a few laughs and the twins were making fun of you most of the way. But you just shot them in the face with the water gun you were carrying.
Over all you had a lot of fun! The host club even invited you guys to go the the beach with them next week, which you Ed and Al gladly accepted.

Hey guys how's it going? I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I really had fun writing it! Thanks for reading. I'll be posting again soon
Until then(^O^)

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