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"What the hell is wrong with you?!?" Your eyes were filled with betrayal. How could they do this, Al never did anything to them. Tears started to rush down your face. You dropped the helmet and ran out of the room.

"Wait, (y/n)!" Karou tried to stop you, but it was too late. you already left the building.

"just let her be, she doesn't need anymore stress." Edward was glaring daggers at the twins.

You shoved the front doors open and continued running. You just wanted to get away, you couldn't take it any more. Your foot got caught on something and you tripped scraped up your arms and legs.

"I give up..." You mumbled under your breath. You pulled your knees to your chest and cried your heart out.

A familiar homunculi was in the tree tops watching over you. It hurt his heart to see you this way. He didn't want to see you sad. (Even though it didn't seem like it) He admired that far away look in your eyes and you smile you always had, even when times were hard. He transformed into an light green cat.(Picture, maybe? I don't know) Envy leaped down from the tree that he was hiding in. He trotted over to you and nuzzled into the crook of your neck.

You felt a sudden softness on your neck and sat up. You noticed a small green cat , looking up at you with bright violet eyes. You gave a slight laugh while wiping away your tears.

"Why, hello there." You smiled, but your voice still heavy with sadness. "what are you doing out here all alone?" You picked up the kitten and scratched behind his ear. He let out a slight pur. You stood up and leaned against a tree. A soft sigh escaped your lips.

"(Y/N)! Where are you?" You heard the host club calling for you. You began to panic. You hid behind a bush, still holding the green cat.

"Damn it..." You whispered to yourself. Envy noticed your discomfort and realized the situation.

After a few minuets of hiding, the club members went to look somewhere else. You stood up and put down the feline.You began to walk with your new friends trotting behind you.

~Time skip cause I'm a lazy ass mother fucker~

It was getting late, you've been out for almost 5 hours now. You were mainly ranting to the cat the whole time. You put him on your shoulder as you walked back to Misuzu's. You quietly pushed the front doors opened. The lights were on and you tiptoed in. You didn't notice the host club silently sitting at one of the back tables.

"Where were you (y/n)?" Tamaki asked. You froze up.

"N- no where." You refused to look at the group.

"Don't lie to us"

"It doesn't concern any of you." You hissed. You clenched your fists and a few tears streamed down the side of your face. Everyone walked over to you.

"It does. We care about you."

"Just leave me alone, I really don't want to talk."

"(y/n)" Edward tried to convince you to speak.

You were about to speak when you saw a bright light out of the corner of your eye. The mint-colored feline was now back to his original form. Envy had his arm draped across you shoulders.

"God, she said she didn't want to talk. No wonder she is getting sick of you guys." Envy retorted. You shoved the homunculi off of you.

"(Y/n) What were you doing alone with Envy!" Ed was furious.

"I didn't know it was him!"


"Look I don't care if your believe me or not. That doesn't matter right now! One of our strongest enemies is right in front of us!" You snapped.

"Aw that's so sweet (y/n)." Envy came up behind you and gave you a hug.

"Get the hell off of me!" You tried to get out of his grasp, but to no avail. The host club was to shocked to actually be useful and help you out.

"Don't be like that (y/n), You seemed to enjoy my company earlier." Envy teased.

"you have to the count of three, before I stab you with my automail."

"You're a feisty one, I like that about you." He let go of you.

You turned to face him and gave him a dirty glare. He thought it was cute when you were upset.

"Aw you know you love me." He continued to tease you.

"As if I could love someone who killed my own brother!"

"I saved you and you know it!" Envy was getting irritated.

"Saved me from what?! Being happy?!?"

"Don't lie to your self! You know he was going to kill you. I saved you because I didn't want to lose you!"

"So you pretend to be Zuro and mess with my feelings! Yeah, great tactic." You retorted sarcastically.

"You wouldn't have accepted me other wise!"

"How would you know! ... It's true I did love you at one point, not Zuro, you. But that was a long time ago." Your voice went quite and shaky. You pushed through the club members and locked yourself in your room.

"Why does this keep happening?" You whispered to yourself and pulled your knees to you chest.


Hey! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. -_-;

from now I'm going try to post on Sundays. But that might not always happen cause I'm in a new play. (Sleepy Hallow) So yeah.

I'll do my best! Also thanks for 620+ reads :) It means a lot

till next time

~ K@+3

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