I should have known

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WARNING: this chapter contains a series of emotional situations that may or may not make you fangirl, cry, grin like and idiot , and/or hate certain people. You have been warned.


Karou ran up stairs to see his brother as you were returning to the host club. You walked over to Loke, Arai, and Haruhi.

"I'm sorry about Hikaru, he just doesn't know how to control his emotions very well." You sighed as you gave a slight bow.

"It's fine, I'm not sure what I did wrong though." He laughed scratching the back of his head.
The host club was about to see off the two cousins, when a familiar orange haired twin came waltzing out.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier... Are we cool?" He asked.

The two boys nodded in agreement and walked off saying their goodbyes. You waved along with the rest of the club.

"So Karou," Haruhi started.

"Why are you dressed up as Hikaru?" You asked. 

"Heh!? You saw through me?" He laughed.

"Yup." You said.

The whole host club didn't even realize it was Karou until you said something. you all smiled and continued to talk. but you over heard Karou and Haruhi talking.

"Hey Haruhi, I have a favor to ask of you."he asked the brunette and smiled." How about you and I go on a date?" Everyone froze up, including you.

That was yesterday, Haruhi accepted and for some reason Hikaru had to stand in you Karou. The whole host club decided to follow them on their date and as fate would have it, you were dragged along too. Everyone was wearing some stupid costume, trying to blend in. Watching them was torture to you. Even though you hated to admit it, you were a bit jealous. You felt selfish for feeling that way, but you couldn't help it. After you talked with Hikaru the other day, you started seeing him in a different light. You kept telling yourself that you just didn't know the whole story, and thats why he was on a date with Haruhi. But you knew that wasn't the case.

"Why are we even following them?" You sighed. 

"We can't miss up the opportunity to see this." Karou said while staring at the two.

"Yeah, whatever I'm going to look around at the stores, have fun being stalkers." You said as you walked into a near by antique store.  You gazed around at the items on the shelfs, but none were peeking your interests. As you continued to walk around the shopping outlet you noticed a cute little store with a colorful design. You walked in and looked around. After a few minuets a pair of familiar voices came into the room. You looked up at say Hikaru and Haruhi laughing and having a great time. It hurt to see them together like that. You were fed up with yourself. You didn't understand why you would get to jealous over this. You pulled up the hood to the (f/c) hoodie you were wearing and quietly walked out of the store. 

~With the Host Club~

"I can't believe we lost Al." Ed said with hands behind his head. "And we don't know were (y/n) is."

"I'm surprised that your not freaking out right now." Tamaki commented.

"Al is probably with (y/n). They're both strong," Ed sighed.

"Yeah, We should probably head back now, we don't want them to catch us."Karou said. Everyone agreed  and started to head to Misuzu's. 

~Back to you~

After a you got out of the store, you started sprinting as fast as you could. The sky was getting dark, rain made your automail shrink (in a way) and it hurt like hell. As you were running, you passes a tall suit of armor. Al started chasing after you, he noticed the tears streaming down your face and got extremely worried. 

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