Beach battles and Truth or Dare

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Okay, so the moment is Reader x Kyoya!! suggested by Coceaux

so yeah, be prepared to fan girl!


You woke and got dressed. You were so excited about the beach. You wore a (f/c) bikini with a (2nd f/c) cover up. A loud honking was heard outside the mansion, disrupting you thoughts. 

"Oh they must be here" You said out loud. "Come on guys, they are waiting for us."

"yeah, yeah we're coming" Ed groaned walking down the stairs in his usual black tank top and black jeans. You were a little surprised to hear that Kyoya's family owned a private beach, but that means you can swim with out getting weird looks.  You and the three guys all crawled into the twin's limo along with Kyoya, Mori, Honey, Hikaru, Karou, and Kid.

"Hey guys!" You smiled. 

"hello" Kid replied. The Twins shot a look at him obviously not pleased with the idea of you two being so familiar.

The chit-chat continued until you arrived at the beach.

(FYI this isn't gonna be like the beach episode of Ouran, mainly  because I don't want the host club to be hosting other girls. All eyes will be on you ;) you're welcome XD)

"Woah It's beautiful!" you smiled.

"Come on lets go!" The twins grabbed your arms are dragged yo to the water. You took off your cover up and dived into the water. Your auto mail was burning up and the cold water cooled you off, it felt so good.

"Hey guys wait up!" Honey wined.

"Come on Honey the water feels great." You laughed. You looked around and noticed that the twins weren't in the water. They were on the shore just staring at you. "what? Is there a problem?" You muttered. Everyone else  caught up to you guys and just stood on the sand with the twins. You had a great idea. You ran out of the water to the group and grabbed Kyoya's hand and started pulling him. He was only one just wearing a swimsuit so you decided to pick on him, not wanting to get everyone else's clothes wet. You pulled him into the shallow water. He was pulling against you not wanting to get any deeper in the water. You gave one final pull and he tripped and you both fell into the water.

"Haha you okay?" You gave a cute laugh. You looked over to see that his glasses fell off. "Oh, Kyoya your glasses..." you started. you looked down in the water to see his glasses. You picked them up only to see a huge crack in the left lends. "I'll have to pay you back won't I?" You signed already knowing the answer.

"yup" He gave a slight chuckled.

"Knew it" 

"well, come on! we are at a beach lets have fun!" Tamaki shouted, breaking the awkward tension.

Kyoya stood up and walked out of the water. Was he mad at you? You watched him as he went to sit on the shore. 

"Hey (y/n)! come over here!" You hear Ed call you. You and Kyoya made eye contact and he gave a smile, not a fake one, but a real one. you could help but to blush a little and smile back before walking over to where Ed was. Okay... so maybe he wasn't mad. 

"(y/n) wanna help us make a sand castle." Honey asked.

"sure, How about we make it a competition? we can make 2 teams of 3 and 1 team of 4, and who ever makes the best one wins, " You smiled triumphantly.

"sounds like fun!" Honey said.

"Okay, Kid can be our judge, Hikaru and Karou, you're on my team. Ed, Tamaki, and Al you will be a team and Haruhi, Honey, Mori and Kyoya will be-"

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