It should have been me...

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Hey!!!!!! Sorry I haven't been on Wattpad in a while,(T_T)  before I start this chapter, I just wanted to say thank you guys for 1.61K views! That is amazing!!!!! Thank you guys so much! I had a few commenters who really wanted to know what happens next, so as requested, here is chapter 23 of fullmetal x reader x ouran!
~may fuck with you feels~

You sighed an looked around, the room you were standing in was so unfamiliar.  Every step you took made you feel more and more uneasy.

"(Y/n)...?"  Edward asked softly.

"I'll make them pay... They will burn in hell!" You glared forward, ignoring your friend.

You started to sprint into the hallway that was connected to the the room, Envy, and the Elric brothers chased after you. Before you knew is you were in a wide open room. There were pipes and wires everywhere, but they all seemed to lead so the same place,
A giant throne in the center of the room.

An older man was siting in the throne, he looked oddly familiar. Your eyes wondered around the room and you notice the host club was consumed by black, shadow-like ropes, holding them still. Your feet started to dash towards them, but the same shadows that held the hosts captive, reached out and snatched you, lifting you up on the air.

You tried to struggle but the more tho moved, the more the shadows tighten around you.

"(Y/N)!!" Alphonse called out in panic.

"I- I'm fine Al. Just save th-them" you choked. Al nodded.

You took a deep breath and tried to free yourself once more, but to no avail.

"There is no point in fighting it, (y/n)" a young voice laughed.

You glanced out of the corner of your eye, to see the youngest humonculis, Pride.

"Shut up you little piece of shit." You spat.

"It seems you think you have the upper hand but I'm the one hold you captive, funny how you humans think." He laughed, tightening the shadows.

At this point you were struggling to breath, but refused to give up. You were filled with DETERMINATION!
(Sorry.... I was playing undertale all day) while dealing with your predicament, Edward and Alphonse were going head to head with Lust.

"It seems you think that I actually give a fuck" you retorted. "You can't kill me. I'm the last piece to your puzzle, and you need me alive for that... Don't you?" You gave a "in-your-face" smirk

(FYI I'm sorry if this is not exactly accurate, it's been awhile since I've seen Fullmetal Alchemist)

"Put her down Pride..." The man in the throne spoke.

"But fath-" the young humonculis started.

"Are you ignoring your father's command?" His voice was heavy with warning.

"N-no" Pride placed you down somewhat softly.

Meanwhile, Edward and Alphonse were able to break the philosopher's stone, that 'powered' Lust.

You stared down the man called "father"

"Let them my friends go... They have nothing to do with this. I'm the one you want..." Your words were held back a little on fear of losing the only chance to free your friends.

He just sat there observing you. He slightly nodded. You thought that was saying the host club could go free. But that was not the case.

Just at the host club was regaining consciousness, You hear a loud gun shot. You turned to see a orb being fired at you. You had no time to react. The bullet struck you in the chest and sent you flying.

Fullmetal x reader x OuranWhere stories live. Discover now