an unknown hero

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You woke up in a white hospital room. What was going on? You didn't really remember anything from last night besides running out of the rose garden at Ouran.

"Oh, you're awake?" An unfamiliar voice spoke. You looked over to see a boy around your age with black hair that had 3 while strips on one side. He had beautiful golden eyes.

"What happened? I don't remember..." You sat up from your hospital bed.

"From what I understand, someone was trying to make you go through a portal of some sort." He said as all of your memories of last night came flooding back.

"I have to let Ed and Al know I'm okay" You said almost yelling. "Hand me my phone" You pointed next to the young man. He simply handed the device to you. You dialed Ed's number hoping that he would pick up.

"Hello?" You hear a voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hey Ed it's (y/n)--" you were cut off by ed.

"(Y/N)! Where have you been we've been worried that something had happened to you!!" He sounded like a mother scolding their child for being out to long.

"Relax, I'm fine. I just ran into some... trouble."

"Oh, I see. Where are you now?"

"In a hospital" you said bluntly.

"IN A HOSPITAL?!?" He screamed into the phone. " We are on our way, don't move" He sounded really angry, which makes since. Especially after you disappear for almost 24 hours.

"Wait, you don't even know what hospital I'm at! And what do you mean 'we'?!" You tried to protest but he hung up. You sighed as you closed you phone.

"Is that your boyfriend or something" You almost forgot that the boy was still in the room.

"What? N-no" you said remembering what happened with the host club yesterday." By the way, I never got your name." You tried to change the subject.

"Death the Kid, but you can just call me Kid."

"Im (y/n) (l/n). Thank you for saving me."

"It's not a problem, just be more careful next time."

"I wil--"

"(Y/N)!!" Ed, Al, and the entire host club came barging in to your room, cutting you off.

"(y/n)! I was so worried!" Tamaki wined while giving you a tight, uncomfortable hug.

"I'm fine... Can you please let me go? I can't breath." You gasped for air.

"Oh, right! sorry" He smiled sheepishly.

"Wait... How did you get her so fast?! better yet, how did you know which hospital I was at?" 

"It's simple really, I installed a tracking device in you phone." Kyoya said rather bluntly.

"Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me" you couldn't believe it.

Apparently Tamaki didn't like what you said because he went into a fit.


"I think I better leave" Kid said obviously not use to this kind of commotion. None of the host club members noticed him until he spoke.

"Who are you?" The twins said in unison.

"That's Death the Kid. He's the one who saved me last night and brought me here."

"Thank you some much for bringing my beloved daughter home!!" Tamaki said shaking his hand thanking him over and over again.

"Daughter?" Kid asked in confusion.

"Why of course, (y/n) is my beloved daught-"

"I'm not his daughter." You bluntly cut him off. He just froze in one of his dramatic poses then sulked in the corner.

"So what happened?" Al said changing the subject.

"Envy... or  I should say Zuro decided to pay me a visit."

"You don't mean..." Ed started.

"Yeah, last night he tried to take me back to Amestris. I know that I wanted to go back to help everyone, but when I was about to go alone I froze up. I guess the fact that he transformed into Zuro didn't help either."

"What do you mean 'transformed'?" Kid asked. Once again you all forgot that he was still in the room.

"Well, um..." You started. 

"Its...a...secret code... yeah! A code" Al said trying to play it off.

"Is that so?" It was easy to see that Kid was not convinced.

"Hey, I feel really bad for making you through the trouble of saving me, so why don't you join us at the beach tomorrow?" You asked trying to lighten the mood and changing the subject.

"Sure. I've never been to a beach" He said putting his hand under his chin thinking about how a beach  trip would be like.

"Great then it's settled, tomorrow we'll all go the the beach." Haruhi smiled.

Later that night you were released from the hospital, luckily with no injuries. excluding a few bruises and scratches. You, Ed, Al, and Tamaki all went to the mansion and you went straight to bed. It has been a long day, not just for you, but for everyone.  But you where looking forward to the beach and hang in out with everyone.


Hey guys! I know that it has been a little while since I posted, so I'm going to start writing the next chapter right after I publish this! As always, if there is any ideas for the next chapter( or cuter chapters)and/or people from other anime you want to see in this story, just comment. 

So for the beach chapter (and almost all of the other chapters that are yet to come.) I'm going to add a 'moment' with one of the characters. who do you want the next one to be? 

Reader x Ed

Reader x Al

Reader x Kyoya

Reader x Hikaru

Reader x Kaoru

Reader x Honey

Reader x Mori

Reader x Tamaki

Reader x Kid

Reader x ???????

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