facing the fire

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Okay, Let me just start out by saying... WHAT!?! 300+ views, 20 votes, and 28 comments!! AND This is the 15th chapter... Like what?!

THAT'S AWESOME!! Thank you sooooooooo much for reading this story it means a lot. I've also decided that I'm going to start adding Ouran and full metal crossover pictures at the beginning of each chapter. <3

(^\\\\^) till next time!!!


You woke up that morning already regretting the day. I mean, what can you do? It's not like you could just avoid them, you had every class with at least one of the host club members. Would they act liked nothing happened? Or would they ask you about it?  What if they're mad at you? various questions clouded your mind. You were snapped back to reality when your heard a soft tap on the bedroom door.

"Who is it?" You asked still half asleep.

"It's Al, can I come in?" He questioned through the door.

"sure...whatever." You flopped back down of your bed as Al walked in. You looked at him curiously. " Is something wrong Alphonse?"

"I just wanted to make sure you are okay... that's all." 

"I'm fine, just confused and worried."you sighed. " I'm not sure how this day will go. I don't know how they'll act. It's so frustrating!"

"I can understand your confusion. It's probably just as complicated to the others too." Alphonse always was able to see from more than one point of view. You admired that. 

"yeah... I guess so"

"I should probably wake up ed now, shouldn't I?" al chuckled.

"probably" you laughed slightly.

" I'll see ya later" With that he left you alone so you could change for school and so he could wake up his sleeping brother. Since you didn't have to wear a specific uniform, You slipped on a pair of black jeans and a (f/c) anime t-shirt. It had one of your favorite anime show on it. (any anime excluding Ouran and fullmetal) (That would be weird walking down the hall with a shirt of your friends, who just technically confessed to yesterday)

You let out a long sigh as you walked down the stairs of the Suoh mansion. You walked to school, hoping to avoid the club members if possible.  You got to the school fairly early, 20 minuets early to be exact. You just walked to your home room class, which you had with the twins and Haruhi. And as fate would have it, those three where there. The twins where bombarding Haruhi with questions. You tried to slip in as quietly as possible with out looking like an idiot. But the twins turned around and saw you walking in. 

"Oh, I didn't think anyone would be here at this hour." the twins said in a very monotone voice. *sweatdrop* You walked to your seat which was across the room from were the three club members currently were. You pulled out your sketch book and started drawing a poem your mom use to tell you.

"When luck isn't on your side,

And the stars are out of reach.

Just remember, it's not the mistakes that matter,

It's the lesson that they teach."

 You drew the little saying in fancy letters and decorated it with a moon and stars around them. You took out a few color pencils and started to color it in. You were so in to your drawing you didn't notice two symmetrical figures looming over you, observing.

"Wow, (y/n) I didn't know you could draw." Karou stated.

"It's just a small talent I have." You blushed still staring at the paper in front of you. 

'What the heck?! why are they so calm right now?!' you mentally freaked out. 'I bet it was all just a joke... right... just a joke.' You tried to convince yourself to believe that yesterday was a prank, but that didn't seem like something they would do. Even the twins wouldn't go that far.

"Do you have any other drawings?" Hikaru asked.

"uh, yeah. I keep them all in my sketch book." you smiled to yourself.

"Let us see." The twins grabbed your sketch book from your desk and flipped though each page.

"wait, stop!" You called but it was too late.  Awhile back, when you first started hanging out with the host club, you drew a picture of everyone. You loved that picture more than anything. It was a sketched picture of your friends. Tamaki was doing some princely pose, Haruhi was just rolling her eyes, the twins were making faces, honey was eating cake, Mori was smiling while sitting with him, Ed was yelling (probably about his hight), Alphonse was just laughing, and Kyoya was writing in his little black note book. You wanted it to be a special picture of everyone who was important to you, so you could remember them. The drawing was so realistic (for anime) it looked almost like an old photograph.

"(y/n)... this is amazing." Hikaru whispered in awe.

"Guys, please give me back my sketch book." you complained.

"no way. I have to see the rest of the drawings." Karou smiled while looking at the picture. They flipped through a couple more pages till they came across and some portraits of the host club. They kept on saying how amazing it was, and how detailed it was. You face was beet red. You didn't wanting the host club knowing that there where drawings of them in your sketchbook. It made you seem stalker-ish.

"guyyyyyssssssss" you wined. You tried to grab it but they were taller than you and held it above your head. You got pissed and clapped your hands and placed them on the ground.  a couple stone hands appeared from the green light your alchemy was creating. The hands grabbed Hikaru and Karou, causing them to drop the book and they were slightly raised  into the air. You left them there for a while as you picked up your book. But for some reason in this dimension, you alchemy occasionally timed out. In this case it did, dropping the two ginger haired twins on the floor.

"ha! serves you right." You laughed.

"We just wanted to see your art."They fake cried.

"yeah, yeah. whatever. save your fake tears for the host club."

"do you mean you are hosting today?" Karou asked.

"You know it. I do have guests ya know." You playfully  'back sassed' him. 

"whoa, lower the sass lady." Hikaru joked. which caused you and hikaru and haruhi, (who you forgot was in the room) to bursted out laughing. You were glad  that they weren't mad at you. that's two down eight more to go.


hey sorry, this was more of a filler chapter, but I will be writing a longer and better chapter tomorrow. (mainly because it is 12:40 am right now -_-)

Till next time!


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