Alchemists, the host club, and jealousy

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random song that inspired this chapter ↑ ( reminds me of how everyone feels about u)

^_^ ~♥

After the twins rubbed their victory in everyone's faces, you decide to talk to Tamaki. He was just staring out the window with a slight smile on his face. You quietly sat down next to him.

"I loved the song." You smiled to yourself, looking straight ahead. Tamaki turned to face you, a little surprised that you were suddenly next to him. " It was beautiful." You looked him in the eyes and smiled. Tamaki's face heated up. He couldn't find the words to tell you how he felt. It was true that you had a crush on every guy in the host club in one way or another. You noticed his loss of words and  stood up, giving  him a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"talk to me when you stop blushing, okay?" You laughed.  You walked off grinning like an idiot. Little did you know some the host club members saw, and were not happy. You walked up to your room and changed out of work outfit, and into something more comfortable. You opened your door and walked down stairs. The host club was sitting down at a table, avoiding eye contact with you. Tamaki was still sitting where he was when you left.  Cautiously, you walked over to Haruhi.

"Why is everyone so quite?"You asked never taking your eyes off of then group.

"Not sure, but Its pretty awkward." Haruhi replied. You nodded in agreement. As you and Haruhi continued to whisper, two boys around your age walked into the dining area. One was about your height with light brown hair and hazel eyes. The other male had bright orange hair and blue glasses. 

"Delivery for Misuzu." The brunette boy called out.

"Oh Haruhi, (y/n) Can you get that for me?" Misuzu asked from the kitchen.

"Sure." You replied.

"Haruhi... Fujioka?!" The boy asked astonished.

"Arai?" She asked.

"You two know each other?" The other male asked.

"Yeah, we went to middle school together." 

You poked your head around your friends to get a better look at the new comers. All of a sudden the orange haired man was in front of you, and really close.

"Hello beautiful, what might your name be?" we spoke slyly.


"Loke quit harassing the poor girl." Arai laughed. Loke sighed and turned to face him.

"I wasn't harassing her" He crossed his arms.

"Why don't you and your friend stay from some tea?"Misuzu asked cheerfully.

"That sounds great." Arai smiled.

As your four talked you founded out that Loke was actually  Arai's cousin, although it didn't look like it. He was pretty cool, when we wasn't flirting with you.  You, Haruhi, Loke, and Arai were talking about school, and teasing each other.

"I'm sure you were the most popular girl at your school (y/n)" Arai complimented.

"Ha, Actually no. I was that one kid who was in the back of the class, ignoring everyone. None of the guys talked on me, let alone liked me." You joked. It was true, you weren't very social until you meet the Elrics. Loke took your hands in his and stared deep in your eyes. Your face was heating up, it was so awkward.

"Those guys didn't know what they were missing." Loke said in a charming voice.

The host club just about had it with his constant flirting. (Even though that's all their club does.)

"(y/n) Why are you just letting him flirt with you!" Hikaru erupted.  You turned to face him. "Do you honestly like him that much!? You just met him!" "And Haruhi, why are you so friendly with him? If you ask me you two are nothing more than former classmates. You don't need anymore friends, you have us!" Haruhi was pissed. She walked up to Hikaru and slapped him across the face. The room was dead silent.

"Who gets to be my friends is not for you to decided Hikaru."

The tall ginger stood up with clenched fists. "He shouldn't even matter to you! Are we not enough?!" He bolted up the stairs to his and Karou's room. 

"Their world's still so small."Tamaki said with a sad look in his eyes.

"I'm going to go talk to him." Karou said and started up the stairs.

"Wait, Let me go, I feel like I need to make things right." You spoke up. Karou let you go talk to Hikaru.

You knocked on his door waiting for a response.

"What do you want Karou?" He asked in a irritated tone.

"It's (y/n), Can I come in?" you asked softly. You heard no reply. you waited for an answer, but none came.  You slowly opened the door and peeked inside. As you walked into the room, you closed the door behind you. Hikaru was laying down on the bed, facing the wall. You sat down on the bed with your back facing him.

"Are you alright?" Your voice was soft and quite.

"I'm fine. Just go away."

"Hikaru look at me."


"Hikaru..." You said sternly. He flipped over to see a worried expression on your face. "why did you get so worked up out there?"

"ts... Don't act like you don't know." He narrowed his eyes.

"You were jealous, weren't you?"

Hikaru remained silent, you took that as a yes.

"Thank you..."

"Why are you thanking me." Hikaru asked.

"You cared about me and you were making sure I was alright. Growing up I only had my brother. He was the only one who cared but, since I was young he had to work, so I didn't see him to often. I never knew my parents enough to know if the cared or not, but the fact that you were worried about me makes me happy." you smiled to yourself. "So, I'm saying thank you."

"(y/n)..." Hikaru started as he sat up. You noticed the sudden movement and turned fully around to see what he was doing. He wrapped both of his arms around you and rested his head in the crook of you neck. You were a bit taken back at the sudden contact. You smiled sadly and hugged him back. A few tears fell down your cheek. 

"I love you, (y/n). You know that right?" He whispered. 

"Yeah, You made a whole scene about it in the cafeteria." Your voice was sad but you were laughing at the memory. "I'm so glad I met all of you." Your voice cracked as you held back tears. You didn't want to remember the fact that you had to leave, but that fact was clouding your mind at the moment. Random memories of the host club and the adventures you shared, was playing in your mind like a sad movie.

Hikaru felt something wet on his shoulder. He didn't realize you were crying. He pulled away from the embrace with his hands still on your shoulders. You wiped away your tears as fast as possible. He gave you a longing look.

"I'm sorry, I'm just..."You looked down in shame. You haven't cried since your brother's death, until you met the host club. Hikaru gently kissed your forehead. 

"You're amazing (y/n). Don't ever doubt that. You've been through so much. I'm sorry I couldn't have been there for you sooner." He pulled you back into a tight embrace. "But from now on (y/n), I'll always be here for you."



I wanted to make this chapter a little more dramatic so it can lead up to next chapter, chapter 20!! I know I'm making a big deal out of the 20th chapter, but I honestly didn't think this story would be this popular. Thank you for the support! You guys are awesome. 

I REALLY want the next chapter to be amazing, so please comment some ideas on what  you want to see. Thanks a million.

Till next time♥


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