Not you again.... -_-;

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You deiced to walk to school today for some reason. You didn't know if it was the cherry blossoms or the spring air, but a little voice in you head said it was a good idea... that voice was wrong. You were about 5 minuets away when two cocky looking guys walk up to you.

"Heyyy there hot stuff" A tall man with green hair put his arm around you.  He didn't look much older than you, and he wore a school uniform of what you assumed to be from a public school.

"Wow that's super original" You stated sarcastically. 

"Aww, come on you can't blame the guy for trying." The other boy spoke up. He had dark purple hair and bright blue eyes.

"well, actually I can, so if you don't mind I have to get to school." You sighed as you started to walk off. But you were pulled back by the purple-ette. 

"your not going any where." He smirked.

"I didn't want to have to do this." You groaned. You lazily looked over your shoulder and shot them a death glare.

"Ha, What are you gonna do? Tickle us?!" The green haired boy chuckled. but you cut him off by giving him an uppercut, which sent him backwards.  He landed face first into the concrete.

"Hey listen girly" The other spoke up. He reached for the collar of your blazer. You just grabbed his wrist and  twisted it backward. You pulled him close to you and you kicked in in the gut with sent him flying. He hit the other guy in the process, knocking them both out. You looked down at your watch.

"Great, now I'm late. I'm going to have to deal with Kyoya's death stare all day." You complained. 

Once you got to the school, you went to the club room for activity period. You walked into the room expecting Tamaki to be wining about how you were late.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." You 'apologized'.

"(Y/N)! Where were you? we are worried."Alphonse ran up to you.

"Relax, I wasn't that late. I just had a slight change in plans, that's all."

"what were these 'change of plans'" Edward asked.

"Well, Two bozos from another school started hitting on me an-"

"REALLY?! WHO? I'LL BEAT THEM UP! JUST GIVE ME A NAME AND FACE." Hikaru and Karou exploded with rage. To be honest it was pretty amusing.

"There's no need. I already took care of them" The host club looked confused. " I just knocked them out."  The whole club was dumbfounded, except for Edward and Alphonse who were smirking. 

"Wow you really held back didn't you" Ed teased.

"Well, of course. I didn't want to go to jail." You laughed.

"(y/n) You still haven't changed." You, Ed, and Al all laughed remembering all the times they had to pull you off of an enemy.

"That's considered 'holding back'?" Tamaki asked a little frightened. 

"When you work for the military, this just comes natural." Alphonse smiled.

"Well, We should get ready. We are about to open." Tamaki awkwardly laughed.

"Here's your outfit (y/n)" Honey handed you a cosplay outfit. It was a queen of hearts dress. (The picture, But only the outfit) You had to admit, It was cut,but short.

"I'm guessing the theme is Alice in wonderland?" You asked. Mori nodded. " Thought so."

You got changed and came out to see everyone in costumes. (FYI the costumes are based off 'Alice in the country of hearts.' If you don't know what the characters look like, google it ;P) You were the queen of hearts, Vivaldi, Haruhi was Alice, The twins were of course the twin gatekeepers, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, Kyoya was Blood Dupre, Tamaki was Ace. Edward was the King (of hearts), Honey was Peter White, Mori was Elliot March, And Alphonse was Julius Monrey.

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