Go sit in the corner and think about your life!

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HEY GUYS!!! I figured it's time for a new chapter! This is dedicated to  Crazyanimeotakugirl because she left a awesome comment that has motivated me to write more!! <3 And yes, I know that sounds totally stupid, But it means a lot to me when you guys comment asking for updates.  SO... you can thank her for this chapter. ;P


The ride home was extremely awkward for you, especially after what happened the night before. (¬_¬)  You did you best to avoid all eye contact, and the tension in the air was suffocation. (as always)

"Uh.. so (y/n)" Karou started.

"what..." You said not really giving a damn.

"well, um, the host club will be hosting a party soon. And since you're apart of the host club, we were wondering what the theme should be." Now that got your interest.

"Hmmm...why not a masquerade?" 

"Oh, that's a great idea!" He grined.

"Yeah, there can be all sorts of fancy dresses and--" You began. "I, uh mean, yeah, I think that it would be fun." 

You blushed. You didn't want the Host club finding out about how you've always wanted to dress up in beautiful dresses, like a princess. In Amestris you didn't really have time for that. 

"Could it be...?" Hikaru smirked. "(y/n) wants to dress up?"

"I-I do not... I couldn't care less about a dumb dress." You blushed and crossed you arms over you chest. Most of the host club members were just sitting back and listening to your conversation.

"It's okay (y/n) -chan! Everyone will get to wear fancy clothes." Honey smiled as if reading your mind.

"yeah, yeah..." you sighed.

After a few more minuets of small talk you arrived at Tamaki's mansion. You, Tamaki, Ed and Al all walked in, their were several maids awaiting your arrival. 

"Welcome back" Kazumi spoke softly. She was by fair your favorite maid in the household. She was not only kind but clever and friendly.

"Well, Im gonna take a shower." You stretched.

You walked up stairs to the bathroom closest to your bedroom. You grabbed an extra pair of clothes to change into afterwards. You, being the smart one you are, locked the door to prevent any more awkward incidents. The shower felt amazing after such a hectic trip. You started to hum while washing your hair, the light hum eventually turned int to beautiful singing.

(FYI This is an actual song I wrote... yeah, Author-chan loves to write songs XD)

You press start and your ready to go,

And you already learned the controls.

you're ready, oh, you're ready to go.

You keep going and your moving up the ranks,

I know one day you can make it.

.   .   .

Come on take my hand,

We're one in the same.

I'll show you a world like the video games.

There's no need to be afraid, 

everything will be okay,

in the end.

Come on, let's explore,

the world unknown.

I'll prove to you,

you're not alone

No you're not alone--

Your solo was interrupted by a knock on the door. You got out of the shower assuming is was one of the maids telling you in was time to get ready for bed, since you had school tomorrow. You opened the door to see Ed, blushing. You were just wearing some shorts and an over-sized sweatshirt. 

(ah... I love over sized sweatshirts)

"hey, is something the matter?" You asked.

"N- No" he stuttered.

"Well, if nothing is wrong I'm going to my room" You laughed lightly.

"Wait, (y/n)! I wanted to apologize for what happened during the beach trip." He said quietly.

" It's okay, really. I bet the twins forced you to do it" You gave a smiled fake smile, to hide your embarrassment.

"y-yeah, the twins." his voice began to falter.

"Im exhausted, so I'll see ya tomorrow morning."

With that you walked into your room and flopped on you bed. You really hoped that what Al said in the rose garden wasn't true.

"I think they all have a crush on you, (y/n)"

That was the last thing you needed, not that you hated the idea of all of them liking you. But still, It would just make things more complicated. 

"UGH! why must they make everything so difficult!"  You silently screamed int your head.

You slowly closed you eyes just recapping everything that has happened since you came here. It's been really... Interesting, but incredible. You knew you would never forget these guys. As the thought kept coming into your head you finally fell asleep. 


As always comment any future ideas for chapters!! ^.^


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