And so it begins

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^^^Random art for the story ^^^
I'm really sorry I haven't posted for a while. My play ends this Sunday, so I'll have a lot of free time to write! So I'm sad to say that this story will be coming to an end soon Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ) but I really enjoyed writing this story. And I would love some suggestions for the next fanfiction! But anyway on with the story.
You lied alone in your room just going over the whole situation. Since Envy was here, that meant he could open the portal and you could go back to Amestris. But you would never see the Host Club again. You knew it was selfish, but you didn't want to leave.

You were waist deep in thought when you hear a slight knock on the door.
"(Y/n)?" Edward said from the other said of the door.
"What do you want?" You sighed.
"I think we need to talk..."
You got up and opened the door to see Edward wasn't alone, Alphonse and Envy were standing with him.
You could tell that Edward was thinking the same as you were.
"Do we have to leave now?" You kept your eyes fixed on the ground.
"No, but we have to leave before the sun sets tomorrow."
You raised your head and looked at Envy. "Your going to open the portal for us? Why?"
Envy scratched the back of his head. He was about to answer when you heard a loud noise downstairs. You pushed the 3 males aside and rushed down stairs. A giant purplish portal was standing in the middle of the dinning area. You frantically looked around for your club members.
"Tamaki!? Hikaru!? Where are you guys!?!" Just as fast as the portal appeared, it vanished.
The realization hit you like a train. The other homunculi took them. You collapsed to your knees.
"(Y/N)! Were is everyone?!" Edward ran downstairs and saw you on the floor.
"They're gone. They took them." You were fighting back tears
"You mean...." Al started.
"The Homunculi..." You clenched your fists and stood up. "Envy open the portal. Were going back."
Envy nodded and threw a small circler object on the floor. An eruption of color came from the object then the smoke cleared and a portal was standing tall in fount of you.
"Come on." You grabbed Envy's hand and dragged him in the portal.
You could feel yourself being deconstructed and reconstructed. A bright light blinded you, then you were thrown out of the portal into Amestris.
"Oww..." You tried to get up, but something was weighing you down on you chest.
You looked up to see Envy, then to your chest.
"You have to the count of 3 to get off of me, or I'll kill you." You shot a glare at him. He frantically jumped off.
You stood up and saw Edward and Alphonse get thrown out and the portal disappear.
"Well, let's get moving." Your eyes shone with determination.

Sorry, this isn't my best chapter
( ゚д) but I think you guys will like the ending of this fanfiction.
I'm also going to be writing a series of oneshot original song fanfiction. Request a character, and I'll write a story and a song for it (^∇^)

Till next time
~ K@+3

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