iThink Twice by pinkworlds

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iThink Twice by pinkworlds

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 1,938
Published: Nov 8, 2011


The nub had to smile at the blonde headed demon in front of him; only to show that he wasn't upset of her leaving and coming back until god knows when. She had her suitcase packed and all set as she firmly held the handle with the wheels screeching when it had stopped rolling. She was going off to New York, she's taking chances at Broadway;away from Seattle and from her best friends. The brunette smiled even though his eyes showed another emotion.

His hands were hidden inside his pockets as she stood there, both waiting for someone to say something, waiting for someone to speak up and stop one another. But no one was brave enough to. No one was brave enough to stop the other and show that it's not over. They just somewhat stood there so impassive, and her last chance call to board the plane that was supposed to take her to her destination broke the situation.

Her blue eyes shifted to the security guard that was checking everyone as people handed their tickets over and rushing off. Her lips as she was ready to speak and he stood there, hoping that she was going to announce that she's not leaving, that she's staying. For him.

But instead she smiled, or she tried. She was running out of time. "I should get going," she suggested and chuckled at the stupid comment;as she too was nervous and was waiting for him to just stop her. She was waiting for him to beg and tell her everything she was dying to say; but she knew, deep down, there was a one in a million chance for that to happen.

He just nodded as he bit his lips and looked over at the people already running in, not wanting to be left behind by the flying machine outside. And she sighed as she turned away from him and he just watched her take steps, hearing only the clacks of her heels; she didn't dare look backm because she knew she wouldn't take the plane if she did. He watched her go while lingering, yet wishing he was brave enough to go after her. And she stood in line, only a few people away before being checked and boarding the plane that was taking her away from him, forever.

If Carly were there, she would've smacked him and push him telling him to go, to run for her and never let her go; she was that much of a cliché. But she had gone to work, since it's a school day and now that she's a teacher, she couldn't just miss a day. She had said goodbye last night after wishing her good luck and giving her blessings. He slowly turned and started to walk away, for seconds, until he was pretty much far away and took a seat on the bench that was empty, yet many people rapidly paced past it.

He exhaled a deep full-of-anger breath, because he wasn't stopping the love of his life from leaving He laced his hands together and he briefly glanced at her who was staring at her wrist watch; she seemed anxious to leave. He sunk his head down to his hands, with his elbows rested on his laps. He still had time to stop her, he still had time to beg her not to go.

But instead, he sat there, already feeling her linger and missing her everyday friendly insult as she snatched his wallet and used his money to buy herself her cravings. He had no idea when she was coming back to Seattle, back to him.

He watched a man take a seat next to him who leaned back and watched him, an eighteen year-old boy who was sinking in his dejected emotions mixed with anger towards himself at the moment. He crossed his leg over the other widely and shook his head while he watched Freddie who was still lost to his own thoughts, but soon interrupted when the man of thirty he seemed, spoke with an upside down smirk, "Lost your high school sweetheart today?" He inquired, grabbing Benson's attention, forcing him to look up and meet caramel eyes, just like his.

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