Seddie Oneshots: 528 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,500
Published: Dec 5, 2010

A/N: iOMG never happened here.


"And his hair!"

"I know, how perfect is it?"
"Uh, extremely perfect," Carly grinned. "And his dimples?"
"Adorable!" Sam beamed. "They totally make him look like-"

"Ugh, could we please change the subject?" Freddie moaned as the three teens walked into the Shay's apartment.

"What's eating your butt?" Sam frowned.

"You two have been talking about this guy the entire way home from school!" Freddie exclaimed. "It's nauseating!"

"For your information, he's not just 'this guy'," Carly defended. "He's Owen Blackwell, the new transfer student from England who has already been made captain of the soccer team, is working on starting a new charity to feed sandwiches to orphans and-"

"-Has been mistaken for multiple boy band members eight times," Freddie finished, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, I got it."

"You forgot that he also gave the Queen the Heimlich maneuver once," Sam added. "And he's met the entire fifth season cast of Stranded, which is my new favorite reality show. I mean they just put these ten random strangers on an island and leave them there! How awesome is that? And he knows how to skateboard, he likes to Scuba dive, he owns a Go-Kart, he-"

"And yet you can't even remember your homework once this entire year of trig," Freddie said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well Owen's more important than some dumb triangles!" Sam retorted.

"Wow, Sam," Carly smiled. "It sounds like you like this guy."

"Duh, don't you?" Sam said.

"Sure, he's cute and nice, but you seem to really like him," Carly said knowingly. "Hey...I know! Why don't you ask Own to the spring dance this Friday?"

"What? No way," Sam said at once, her cheeks blushing crimson. "Besides, what happened to our rule? When we both like the same guy we both agree to not date him so we don't ruin our friendship."

"Well I'm willingly making Owen the exception," Carly chuckled. "What kind of friend would I be if I kept you from this guy who you really seem to click with?"
"Click with?" Freddie scoffed. "She hasn't said two words to the guy!"

"And no one has said any words to you, so shut it!" Sam snapped. She turned back to Carly. "You really wouldn't mind?"

"I insist," Carly assured her. "I don't think Owen's really my type anyway. But you two have loads in common."

"He moved here yesterday!" Freddie cried. "For all you know he could be a-a spy! Or-Or a-"

"And I think I saw him looking over at you in French class today," Carly continued, ignoring Freddie's comment. "And he was smiling. He was probably checking you out!"

"You think?" Sam asked, excited.

"Maybe he was just looking at that gravy stain on your shirt," Freddie mumbled, earning him a swift punch in the shoulder from Sam.

"I'm serious, Sam," Carly said. "Ask him out! This could be your chance to finally find a cool guy to date instead of some weird, disgusting loser."

"Well...maybe it wouldn't hurt," Sam said slowly. "You'll help me figure out what to say and everything?"
"Of course!" Carly nodded. "Come on, let's go upstairs and practice. Oh, and I'll find you something cute to wear. I have this new shirt that would look great on you."

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