Some Assembly Required: 2 by InvisibleMeatball

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Some Assembly Required by InvisibleMeatball

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Published: Jun 13, 2010
Updated: Jul 4, 2010


The honor student and labeled nerd that he his, Freddie kind of enjoys Wednesday morning assemblies, but today they have some guest speaker trying to raise awareness that the ostrich is now endangered, and Spencer's ostrich bit Freddie six times, so he couldn't really care less.

To his left Gibby is staring, unfocused, at the ceiling, and farther left Carly is sleeping on Gibby's shoulder while her new boyfriend wonders why she's not sleeping on his shoulder. Sam's late, as usu- oh, never mind, the gym door's just banged open and she's walked in, her footsteps echoing as she strides to through the bleachers, stepping over some people and plopping down next to Freddie, yawning loudly.

The ostrich-awareness guy falters, but Principal Franklin urges him on, glaring at Sam. "Um, yes, where was I... oh, yes, the main problem is that ostrich eggs have been declared a delicacy and have been served in over 50,000 restaurants to date-" Freddie tunes him out and glances at Sam.

She says 'sup' idly and pulls something out of her bag. "Hey, what do you think of my new pen?" It's one of those overpriced plastic ones where you click down different buttons and the ink color changes.

"It's nice," he says, and wishes the bleachers had backs so he could sleep comfortably without using Gibby (or Sam, for that matter) as a pillow.

"Thanks, I found it in Gibby's pocket when I pantsed him yesterday. Can I test it out?"

"On what?" Freddie says, but she's already grabbed his arm, clicked it to change to black ink, and started writing on him methodically. "Ow!" He tries to jerk his hand away. "God, that hurts!"

"Oh, shut up," Sam rolls her eyes, and he realizes that she's not writing, she's drawing, as she clicks the color to gray and shades something in.

He sighs and pulls a pen from his backpack. He grabs her arm that's holding his arm still and starts writing her favorite Paramore lyrics on it 'cause she'd kill him if he actually did something degrading.

The ostrich guy goes on about how the poor birds can't even fly and Gibby wonders what it's like to not fly before remembering he can't to begin with. Carly wakes up with a snort, her boyfriend glaring.

Freddie stops abruptly in the middle of the word 'exception' and starts giggling oddly. "Stop!" he tells Sam, who had been starting to reach the inside of his elbow with her pen.

"Aw, are you ticklish?" she fake-coos and starts stroking the spot with her fingernail lightly.

Freddie jerks. "Yes, stop," he says among the forced laughter, and wrenches his arm away. "Oh," he says, surveying it. "This is actually really cool." She's drawn a detailed green eye peeking out from what seems like a dark corner, with the outline of half a hand seeming to pop out at you. "You an artist?"

"Duh, it's cool," she says smugly, "and sure, artist, whatever. Now gimmie your arm back, I'm not done."

He obliges, grasping her wrist again to finish the song. When he examines his arm again in 2nd period, he realizes she's drawn a tiny ostrich on his elbow, saying 'HAVE A NICE DAY, NUB,' from a small speech bubble. He rolls his eyes, smiling, and subconsciously decides not to wash his arm for a while.

Disclaimer: This is a collection of Seddie oneshots from FanFiction. I do not own anything, all rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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