Fly Away And Leave Me Behind by Kari Kurofai

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Fly Away And Leave Me Behind by Kari Kurofai

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Angst
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 5,557
Published: Nov 22, 2010


Freddie didn't want to go on this trip.

At first, he'd been looking forward to it a little, ecstatic that his mom was going to let him go without her paranoid supervision this time. Which meant less chances for disaster/embarrassment like their misadventures in Japan.

But what he was really looking forward to the least was the airport. He would have loved to say it would be an organized, speedy affair. Except that he knew better. Nothing was ever organized or speedy when it came to the iCarly gang. More often than not it was disorganized, crazy, and dangerous instead. Today would be no exception, he knew it in his gut.

Although, somehow, that was half the reason he wanted to go. The unexpected and the insanity was what made living across the hall from the Shays worthwhile. Even if he had to fly to freaking Wisconsin with them. So it was that he found himself dragging his suitcase into 8-C, pushing the door open with his shoulders.

He didn't expect anyone to be even mildly ready to go, and lo and behold, he was right. As usual. Spencer was trying to jam what looked to be a large penguin into a very small suitcase, an intently serious look on his face as he muttered something along the lines of, "It fit last time!" Carly was seated at the computer, glaring at the screen and a picture of a blue and purple dress displayed on it. And Sam? Sam was facedown on the couch, face pressed into one of the pillows in a wonderful impression of a dead body. Freddie groaned.

"Guys, the flight leaves in two hours!" he yelled, hoping that he might somehow spur them into action. Of course, to little avail. Spencer just continued to abuse the penguin into fitting into his suitcase, and Carly simply gave him a look that clearly said, "You are of little importance right now." Lovely. He turned his attention to Sam instead, kicking her hand that was dangling off the edge of the couch, "Puckett, you packed yet?"

"Nnnngghhh," Sam mumbled into the pillow, earning an amused look from Freddie, though she couldn't see it. "Course I'm packed. Fatcakes and all, what do you take me for?"

Freddie rolled his eyes, "Well at least someone's prepared." He looked up, noticing with semi-amazement that Spencer was now zipping up his suitcase, the penguin apparently successfully mashed inside.

"I'm prepared," Carly said from her seat in front of the computer, "For everything except this atrocious dress! Gah! Look at this thing!" She gestured madly at the screen, "I mean, why would anyone in their right minds think that looks appealing?"

"People in Wisconsin are obviously all around nut-balls," Sam muttered, "Let's just not go. There, good, we're done." She rolled over onto her back and crossed her arms over her chest, "I'm going back to sleep now."

Carly spun around in her chair, putting her hands on her knees with a raised eyebrow, "Uh-huh. Freddie, get her up." She jumped to her feet, moving around the counter to grab Spencer by the arm and he in turn snagging his overstuffed bag with a very unmanly whine. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, Carly stomped past and out the door without another word, ad Freddie couldn't help but shudder. This wedding was already turning into a total disaster, and it was only Friday. He dreaded what was to come with Carly already starting the experience with an attitude like that. Not that he was much looking forward to it either.

Turning his attentions back to Sam he crouched down beside the sofa, staring at her for a moment, her eyes closed and her arms folded over her chest. "You gonna get up? Or am I going to have to make you," he asked, raising an eyebrow.

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