Passwords by HeyBulldogProductions

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Passwords by HeyBulldogProductions

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Family & Tragedy
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 2,060
Published: Feb 10, 2013


Clearly, Freddie had a headache.

Whenever he'd rub his temples repeatedly with his thumb and ring finger, it was a sign that his head was throbbing. Though he never complained about it much, these headaches nearly knocked Freddie out. He'd been having them on and off ever since he toured the country after inventing a camera lens that added some special effect during filming rather than editing. Freddie gained quite a fortune from his invention, but he requested to receive income as if he was a regularly working man.

Freddie, his wife and their five kids moved into a house on the corner. Each of the kids had their own room and their own agendas. No two kids were the same. It was chaos in the Benson household. But Freddie and Sam wouldn't have it any other way.

But when his headaches came, Freddie minded a little bit. He could cure the first handful of headaches with a good night's sleep with a cold icepack on his head. After those few, nothing made the headaches go away. He tried hiding it from their kids, but nothing got past Sam. She kept a careful eye on him as he tucked their youngest daughter into her bed.

"Daddy? Where is my prince?"

"Your prince?" he asked. "He'll come. And he'll be in shining armor on top of a white horse. You'll just have to wait for him." Freddie stood up and kissed his daughter's forehead as he turned the light in her room off. Sam stood outside of their daughter's room and waited until he closed her door to talk.

"How's your head tonight?"

"It's...fine. Better than last night." Freddie rubbed his temples again.



Freddie couldn't sleep that night. He sat in bed and listened to Sam's rhythmic snoring. Normally, the snoring with stir up the beast inside of his head. That's what he referred to the headaches as. It also helped explain his pain better to the younger kids. He'd say that there was an angry beast inside of his head. And he'd say that sometimes it'd get really, really angry and that he couldn't even talk. The older kids knew better. They knew Freddie's frequent headaches were simply killer headaches, but the little kids literally thought a beast was inside of Freddie's head. He and Sam thought it was cute that they thought that.

But Sam's snoring tonight was a relief, in a way. He was still sleeping next to his wife. Both of their hearts were still beating. Their kids were all healthy and happy. They had enough money to last them and their children a lifetime. Besides the headaches, Freddie's life was absolutely perfect.

Enjoying Sam's snoring worried Freddie a bit. His mother told him had told him something right before she died. When she was on her deathbed, she told Freddie that ever since she knew she was going to die soon, everything that had once annoyed her she now enjoyed. She didn't explain why. Freddie was smart enough and old enough to figure the answer out for himself. The reason his mother wasn't annoyed by things she used to be was because she was on her deathbed. She wouldn't have the time to be annoyed by them any longer.

Her time was limited, and he knew his was too.

Careful not to wake Sam up, Freddie kicked himself free of the covers and walked into a room connected to theirs. It was Freddie's office. One side contained a whole wall of books. The other side had drawers that held almost every piece of new technological equipment known to man. Freddie marched to his desk and pulled out a yellow legal pad he kept in one of the drawers. It only had eight sheets left.

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