iHave 337 Reasons by HeyBulldogProductions

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iHave 337 reasons by HeyBulldogProductions

TV » iCarly
Rated: K
Language: English
Genre: Friendship & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 785
Published: Aug 6, 2010


(Sam's POV)

It was a typical Tuesday night for me. Casually walking into Carly's apartment late for iCarly rehursals. I ran upstairs where Carly and Dorkward were already elaborating on ideas.

"Look who finally made it 15 minutes late." Freddie remarked. I thumped his forehead. I laughed while he held his head. Carly shook her head disapprovingly so I stopped laughing.

"Let's get serious, people. We need to make an agenda for next weeks show." Carly tapped her sparkly pen on the notebook she had on her lap.

"I can't work until I have something to drink." I moaned.

"Freddie, can you get us some drinks from downstairs please?" Carly asked writing something down.

"Sure." He got off the beanbag. "Oh, before I forget, here's the list of stuff we made last week." He pulled out a note from his pocket. Another note he had in his pocket fell onto the floor as he went downstairs to grab some sodas.

"Hey, Dorkulies dropped something." I said unfolding it.

"Sam, you really need to stop calling Freddie insulting names."

"It's our thing, Carls. I call him a dweeb he rolls his eyes and ob la di ob la da life goes on." My attention went back to the piece of paper I unfolded. Holy chiz on a chizzle.

Reasons why I love Sam ..

1. We kissed on the fire escape.

2. She always insults me (which must be her way of showing affection).

3. She's not like other girls, she's independent and bold.

4. She's a "beautiful mess"

5. Everytime she punches me my heart flutters...

"What's that?" Carly asked.

"Nothing." I folded the note and put it in my pocket. Right on cue, Dweebalicious came in. He handed me a cream soda and Carly a water bottle, while he drank a bottle of tea.

"So, what are we doing next week, ladies?" he asked.

"I was thinking, 'Messin' with Lewbert'." I said.

"Cool." Carly said writing it down.


When rehearsal was over, I read the note again. There were 337 reasons he said he loved me. 337! I mean... I think it's cute, in a dorky sort of way, but I don't think of him like that. Yeah, we kissed once but that was just to get it over with. I was sitting outside Carly's apartment, in my own thoughts when a shadow came over me.

"Whatcha doing out here, Puckett?" I looked up, Freddie was smirking and leaning against the wall across from me.

"Just... thinking. What are you doing out here?"

"Same." He shrugged. Then he put his hands in his pockets. I saw a panicked expression sweep over his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked. It was my turn to smirk now.

"Nothing, I just lost... a note."

"This?" I asked holding up the piece of paper. His eyes bugged out and he gulped.

"Where'd you find that?"

"You dropped it when you gave Carly that note." I handed it back to him. He blushed, putting it back in his pocket.

"So, 337 reasons, huh?"

"Yeah, I know it's a dorky move but... I've never felt this way before."

"Even with Carly?"

"Carly was just puppy love ... Maybe it's because I'm older now, but... it doesn't feel like puppy love this time."

"Oh." I said looking at my shoes.

"You don't feel the same way about me, do you?" I looked up at him.

"I do, actually." His face went from glum and colorless to glowing and blissful.


"I didn't... until I read reason 337." Reason 337 said "I know she'll never feel the same way about me. I'm not in her league whatsoever but that's what strives me to keep trying".

"How'd you come up with so many?" I asked getting up.

"I've kept this note in my pocket ever since the day after we kissed. And I've always kept a pen with it. Everytime you did something that made me fall for you more, I immediately wrote it down."

"Well be prepared to write another one down nub, 'cause... I love you." He smiled, taking the note out of his pocket and wrote down something and showed me the note.

338. She finally said she loved me.

Disclaimer: This is a collection of Seddie oneshots from FanFiction. I do not own anything, all rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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