Seddie Oneshots: 646 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 3,666
Published: Dec 5, 2010
Updated: Jul 16, 2015


"What's the point of learning all this economy stuff?" Sam whispered to Freddie as their Economics teacher prattled on about a diagram he was showing on the projector.
"I'm not gonna go into politics. But, hey... If I did, you think I could just use all the money in the government to build a giant waterpark?"

"No! What kind of politician would do that?" Freddie hissed.

"Didn't that one president do something like that though?" Sam said. "What's his name...Nixon?"

"Nixon did not build a waterpark," Freddie said, rolling his eyes.

"Well then what was that whole Watergate thing about?" Sam snapped.

"Do you pay attention in any class?"

Just then the phone on the teacher's desk began to ring and he stopped lecturing to pick it up.

"Hello?" He answered. "Who do you need sent down? Ms. Puckett? Alright."

"Ha!" Freddie whispered smugly. "You're in trouble."

"I didn't even do anything!" Sam frowned. "Well, that they could prove..."

"Hold on, who else do you need to see?" the teacher continued on the phone. "Mr. Benson, as well? Alright, I'll send them both down."

"Huh?" Freddie said, surprised.
"You're in trouble too," Sam smirked triumphantly.

"How? I'm Freddie!" Freddie said. "I don't get into trouble!"

"Yes, we're all aware of your nerd motto."

"Alright Sam, Freddie, you're needed down at the principal's office," the teacher said as he hung up the phone. "Please gather up your belongings and head over there. Oh, and if you're worried about missing my thrilling lecture, don't worry; it's on my blog!"

"Um, we-we'll definitely check it out," Freddie said quickly before Sam could reply.

"Wonder what Franklin wants to see both of us for," Sam said as the two started down the hallway.

"I swear, Sam, if you somehow dragged my name into one of your little stunts, I'l'-I'll-"

"You'll what? Stutter at me?" Sam said. "Dude, relax. The last thing I'd want is for any of my brilliant pranks to have you associated with it. Maybe Franklin just wants to be on iCarly again."

"Well then why wouldn't Carly be called down too?" Freddie pointed out.

"She might have been; she's in a different class right now," Sam said. "Franklin probably called her teacher to have her come down too."

"Oh, well...I guess that makes sense," Freddie said.

The headed into the office and sat down in the hard chairs by the secretary's desk.

A second later Principal Franklin poked his head out the door of his office. "Oh good, Sam and Freddie. You two can come in now."

"But shouldn't we wait for Carly?" Freddie frowned.

"Carly?" Franklin repeated. "No, no, this doesn't concern her. Now come on in here."

Sam and Freddie exchanged confused glances as they slowly walked into the office.

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